DL Open Thread: Monday, May 4, 2020

Filed in National by on May 4, 2020

Down on its luck DEGOP drafts this guy to run for Governor.

He says he is running as an independent, but his base and his platform is pure red white and blue GOP.

The most important interview I received all day yesterday. I was once approached by a woman in red and asked “how many children need to die before you give up your guns”. I looked that woman in the eye and said “Every Single One. How many have to die before you pick up a gun to defend them?”

Trump is falling apart. After a weekend of bonkers tweest, Joe Scarbough calls Trump “not well” and urges Trump to step down in order to save….wait for it… the GOP. Good old Joe-scar always looking out for the “good” Republicans and Coons.

100k is 900k less than the 1 million that would have died if Obama was in charge…so winning!

Trump Sunday predicted the United States will lose between 75,000 to 100,000 people to the coronavirus, a marked increase from just a few weeks ago when he estimated 60,000 could die.

The president offered the revised assessment during a Fox News virtual town hall, where he nonetheless emphasized the need to reopen businesses and get Americans back to work by lifting certain measures intended to slow the spread of the virus.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Heather Cox Richardson on how right-wing terrorists came to see themselves as “American patriots.”


  2. puck says:

    The open-up-now protests are smart politics (for the RWNJ side). Democratic leaders will of course reopen slowly and carefully, but now each step will seem as if they are caving to pressure from the protests. Any good guerilla force knows to attack when the opposition is already withdrawing.

    They also have amazing photo-op discipline, always making sure US flags are prominent, and somehow keeping the swastikas and WP hand gestures out of the photos (at least as far as I have seen in national news).

    • Alby says:

      Really? It’s only smart politics if it achieves the end goal, which in their case is restoring an economy that will get Trump reelected. Since the best-case economic recovery is a recession, their goal in unachievable.

      Meanwhile, I expect to see a push to ban firearms in public. So I think ultimately this will, pun intended, backfire on them.

  3. Alby says:

    By their neckbeards ye shall know them…

    • bamboozer says:

      You forgot camouflage, facial tattoos and assorted missing teeth. These people are an ugly and poorly educated joke.

  4. puck says:

    In November the game is the Electoral College and the Senate, not so much the governors. It only takes a little bit to push a state red.

    • Alby says:

      If people disagree with the protesters, I fail to see how it helps them to make themselves a nuisance.

  5. Arthur says:

    The biggest issue will be what happens in the next 2-3 weeks as things “open up” and people go running around nuts. If the virus numbers don’t skyrocket or if they level out or even go down republicans will say they were right all the time and dems used fear and fake news to make the virus worse than it is.

    • Alby says:

      The chances of this are not strong. A death rate of 1,000 per day is not negligible.

    • Point of Order says:

      You don’t need a spike for more people to die than should have. The cost of easing now will be more death in June.

      Also, if you look at the data without NY/NJ, the infection rate is still rising. (Sorry, the relevant chart is buried in this tweet thread https://twitter.com/ASlavitt/status/1256736767199371264?s=19 )

      The numbers are NOT going down this month. We will know in about 10 days what happened in GA.

      Can’t wait to hear the revision story for Memorial Day.

  6. John Kowalko says:

    Received this today. We must resist the urge to reopen too quickly
    John Kowalko

    Representative Kowalko,

    This morning, CAP published evidence-based thresholds for incidence and testing for each state https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2020/05/04/484373/evidence-based-thresholds-states-must-meet-control-coronavirus-spread-safely-reopen-economies/ that should be met before substantially relaxing stay-at-home orders and similar measures designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.

    In addition to a threshold of 14 days of declining new cases, we believe a low absolute incidence level is critically important – both to enable contact tracing and give the public confidence to engage in the economy. This low absolute incidence level is based on South Korea, which was able to contain COVID-19. We also set a testing threshold to achieve a positive rate of 2% at moderate incidence levels.

    We find that no state currently meets both thresholds; only eight states meet an incidence threshold (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and West Virginia), and only Rhode Island meets the testing threshold. Based on these numbers, no state is ready yet to substantially relax a stay-at-home order, and we fear that relaxing them too early before ramping up testing and suppressing transmission will force them to be repeated, which will cause further harm to the economy, not to mention be potentially devastating for those who contract the virus.

    Please let me know if you have any questions; we hope this analysis is helpful as your state makes decisions regarding social distancing orders and other similar actions.

    Jerry Parshall
    Associate Director, State and Local Government Affairs
    Center for American Progress & Center for American Progress Action Fund

    CAP coronavirus resources: https://www.americanprogress.org/tag/coronavirus/

  7. John Kowalko says:

    Responsibility for All Requires a Respect for All

    I will vigorously support reopening of the economy when the scientific data and studies dictate that the risk to the health and welfare of the public is dramatically lessened. I will not support making decisions, which are life and death decisions, when the message to “reopen now” is delivered by individuals who ignore the realities of this deadly contagion and its capability to infect everyone. I am even more reluctant to consider a proposal or position when the messenger presenting that view has an assault weapon slung over their shoulder, in full public view, in what I feel is an obvious attempt to intimidate and coerce those who do not agree with them. I remain open and willing to discuss any and all perspectives and positions during these turbulent times since we are in uncharted waters. However, I cannot ignore the honest reality of the situation at hand. Although all businesses are suffering immensely during this crisis many, if not most, can and will recover and prosper. The individual parent, grandparent, spouse or child who is fatally afflicted by this insidious disease cannot and will not ever recover. That is an unavoidable finality that we must face. We should not and must not rush to reopen Delaware’s economy too quickly unless we are willing to bear that responsibility.