Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, May 8, 2020

Sussex County Poultry Workers Are Merely ‘Canaries In The Coal Mine’.  Chicken is more important than people. BTW, not a single state official is quoted in the article. Reporter misfeasance? Definitely. State malfeasance? Almost certainly.  This is going on all over the country.  Governors leaving testing policy to the plants themselves, meaning virtually no testing. God protect our meat supply no matter how many ‘warriors’ (Trump’s word) perish in the process(ing plants).  Request to John Carney: Shut down the plants until every worker is tested.  I never thought ‘King Chicken’ would apply to our governor.

20.5 Million Jobs Lost Inn April. Unemployment At 14.7%.  These numbers only reflect what happened through mid-April.

Yep, DOJ Dumps Flynn Case. The rampant corruption continues unabated. Which is what happens in a dictatorship. Trump again refers to those who pursued the case as ‘human scum’. ‘Never seen anything like this’, experts say. One remaining question: WWJD, what will the judge do?`

Trump Dumps (That Word Again) CDC Guidelines.  There is nothing not subject to propaganda in this administration, not even keeping people safe, healthy, and alive. Fortunately, the Associated Press got a copy of the leaked guidelines, and you can read them in the article.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global.  The latest carnage: 1,256,972 confirmed cases and 75,670 deaths in the US. That’s over 2200 more deaths in the past 24 hours.  As to states reopening, this should help quell the spread (not).

Tara Reade: A Reporter’s Conundrum.  A damn good story about how one reporter went about trying to get all the pertinent facts.

Trump Supporter Concocted False Sexual Assault Claim Against Anthony Fauci.  Mike Dinsmore flagged this for us yesterday.  BTW, this Jacob Wohl guy is a real piece of work.

TSA Hoarded 1.3 Million N95 Masks They Didn’t Need.  Even while other agencies begged for them.

How Supreme Court Makes It Easier For Cops To Kill With Impunity.  I learned something, bet you will too.

What do you want to talk about?

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