DL Open Thread: Sun., May 10, 2020

Filed in National by on May 10, 2020

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. US. Global.  The latest carnage: 1,309,541 confirmed cases and 78,794 deaths in the United States. At this rate, we’ll hit 100,000 deaths about two weeks from now.  And now we’re reopening. I am not optimistic.

How Trump Administration Blew The Chance To Get Millions Of Masks Made In The USA.  Utter incompetence that cost lives and $$’s.

The Real Jared Kushner. As told by someone who worked for him. What a dick. He’s basically Trump. Meaning, yes, Ivanka married her dad:

When I knew him, he seemed constitutionally incapable of considering the humanity of other people as a starting point. Relationships were primarily transactional, and this failure of empathy permeated everything he did.

‘These Votes Must Not Count.”  Trump freaks out about mail-in ballots being provided to all Californians by Gov. Newsom. He doesn’t know much, but he knows that Rethugs can’t win if everybody gets to vote.

Biden Building Group Of Republican Supporters.  This reads like a story that shouldn’t have been leaked out yet.

Meet The DA Who Wouldn’t Indict Ahmaud Arbery’s Killers.  Would it shock you to learn that he spent 15 years going after a black grandmother for non-existent voter fraud?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Vote by mail is the cure for voter suppression, and the Republicans know it. Sure, charges of “voter fraud!” will be raised endlessly, pathetic lies or not, and the media will report them all as if their valid. It matters not, vote by mail has been in effect in some states for a long time and works well. Red States will fight it, blue states will embrace it. As for Joe Biden some people never learn, we’ll have to put up with nonsense like “all we have to do is talk to them” and the insanity that the Republicans will be any different post Trump. Predicting they will be far worse.

  2. Mike Dinsmore says:



    Enjoy! (Apologies for the pop-up ads)

  3. paul says:

    Republicans have maneuvered working people into being willing to self-immolate on the pyre of their obscene Libertarian take on life. Why are we mute on this manipulation? Workers should be storming the capitol. They continue to beat us on messaging.

    • Alby says:

      If you need messaging to convince people not to revolt against sacrificing themselves for capitalism, I think the fault lies with the public, not the message.

  4. Alby says:

    Finally, an op-ed piece that takes a gimlet-eyed look at our economic landscape.

    the scale of the economic problem ahead is larger and worse than our leaders and politics appear capable of handling — or even recognizing.

    Just a taste of the hurdles to come: Friday’s jobs report showed that 3.3 million more people filed for unemployment (before this crisis, the weekly record was 695,000, in 1982); 33 million Americans have lost jobs, wiping out an entire decade of job gains. That’s larger than the combined workforce of 25 states.

  5. bloe me says:

    Liberals are fucked up.

  6. Jason330 says:
