If you are one of the dummies who think the economy is going to be great again as soon as Texas Roadhouse reopens…

Filed in National by on May 10, 2020

…peek at this graph through your fingers.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bloe me says:

    Liberals know zip about the economy, nothing but morons.

  2. Jason330 says:


  3. Alby says:

    I encourage our readers to contemplate the mentality it takes to go to the trouble of posting the above comment by “bloe me.”

    How empty does someone’s life have to be for it to descend to this level? There is no thought involved, but this person must have the motivation to check in, day after day, at a web site that discusses things far beyond his capacity for understanding.

    No alternative set of facts is presented. No sign of comprehension of the subject is offered. The only content that can be discerned is contempt — the contempt an inferior feels for those who make him aware of his inferiority.

    Consider how you (I presume you to be a reader of average or above intelligence) would feel in a gathering of, say, professors of quantum mechanics discussing their field. You might dimly follow the conversation, but you could add nothing of consequence.

    Of course, being liberal, you might ask questions in an attempt to grasp the subject, and they might try to translate it into layman’s terms for you if you were sincerely interested. But if you were conservative, you would mock them for it — not because they are inferior, but because you are.

    This is, ultimately, what makes these people fascists. Confronted with subjects they grasp only feebly, they don’t seek to understand, they seek to smash — to reduce their superiors to their level. This is why they carry guns — violence is implicit because destruction is the only response they can muster in the face of things that, in their failure to comprehend, existentially frighten them.

    Whether to be liberal — to seek learning and understanding — or to be conservative — to seek to destroy — is a choice. Scientific evidence exists indicating that the brain of a conservative has a relatively larger and more active right amygdala, an area of the brain associated with expressing and processing fear, but nobody has ascertained whether this is a cause or a result of the rigidly ordered thinking of the conservative mind (another difference determined by research). But even if conservatism is a product of brain anatomy, many who suffer from it have chosen to grapple with it and overcome it. Sadly, this is a relatively rare choice.

    Under normal circumstances, one might feel pity or compassion for the sufferer of conservatism, for an inability to adapt to change in an ever-more-rapidly changing world is in a sense a handicap, and humanists, at least, are typically moved to pity for the disabled.

    But we do not live in normal circumstances. We live in a time in which conservatives have become so afraid that they see no other option but to destroy that which they perceive as an existential threat, and their project is well underway.

    Liberals tend to seek understanding rather than conflict, but the times do not allow for it. The Democratic Party (not liberal itself but the necessary home of what liberals there are) has chosen consistently to avoid this conflict. The time is rapidly approaching — indeed, it is here — when that can no longer be considered a viable option.

  4. jason330 says:

    Well put. I’ve been much more vocal in my day to day life and on other social media.

    Thinking that we had processes and institutions in place to restrain the stupidity, we’ve allowed conservatives far too much leeway. Continuing to think that “the truth will out” stopped being a a viable option a long time ago.

  5. jason330 says:

    The rude pundit is on this as well:


    I know that we’re supposed to feel some kind of pity for you, that you’ve spent decades being inundated with talk radio and Fox “news” and YouTube videos and conspiracy mongers and politicians and preachers who either believe this shit or fake it because they know how easily you’re manipulated. You have been hit hard by the wealth disparity in the nation, with shitty jobs for shitty pay and shitty people telling you that your shitty job for shitty pay is somehow honorable and that it’s better that you suffer than government take care of your medical needs. You would rather walk around with your guns and your camo and pretend you’re free than admit how much Trump has fucked you over. And when he’s no longer president, you’ll whine about how it’s all rigged and unfair, echoes of his miserable voice. Yet we’re supposed to feel sorry for you.

    Fuck that. And fuck you. You are to blame for this madness and this death. You did this to our country. You made this decision. You won’t see what’s right before your eyes. You proudly refuse to take off your orange-tinted glasses with the sphincter-shaped lenses. So you’re into it. You’re good with it. You don’t care how many people are hurt, how many people die, how many people suffer. You’re good with it. As long as you can blame anyone but the wealthy in this country for every fucking misery, you’re good with it. As long as the racism continues, you’re good with it.

    You decided that Trump isn’t evil. Or else you decided that he is evil and you just fuckin’ like being evil.


    • Alby says:

      That’s just lashing out, not seeking understanding.

      These are damaged, brutalized people who, like dumb beasts, attack what they can’t comprehend.

      They are the tools of a brutalizing, capitalistic society that views them as nothing more than consumption units. They are the products, not the producers.

      It is the producers of that society, in large part the media that plays a crucial role in creating and promulgating it, that should be held accountable. And I don’t just mean the conservative media. Almost all media works under a business model that exists on revenue generated through advertising of consumer goods.

  6. bamboozer says:

    On a lighter, and less verbose, point of view Brother can you spare a dime? Failing that howza’bout a bit coin or two?