Delaware Stonewall (Not) Democrats Endorsements Eagerly Awaited

Filed in National by on May 11, 2020

After an “in the dark of night” change in their bylaws which allowed an endorsement of Trump supporting Republican, Mike Ramone, in 2018 the Delaware Stonewall (not) Democrats endorsement process has come under more scrutiny this year.

While Mike Ramone has recently broken with Trump privately, [by some accounts calling him a piece of shit] he has not publicly renounced the impeached President who is openly in contempt of LGBT Americans.

According to the PAC’s Political Vice-President, Mitch Crane, a public break with Trump has been considered a requirement for a 2020 endorsement from Stonewall. It isn’t clear now if a private, behind closed doors, refutation of Trump will suffice for Stonewall to re-endorse the execrable Trump supporter who is facing a tough challenge from Stephanie Barry again this year. What is clear is the fact that the “wait and see” dynamic has created some drama around the endorsement in a year in which Trump and his enablers are roundly hated by a large majority of Delaware voters.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Paul says:

    No one benefits from a Trump zombie in the Delaware State legislature.All of them.

    • jason330 says:

      True this year as it was in 2018 and yet Stonewall decided that they “liked” Ramone in spite of his Trump support. It was huge mistake for the organization that revealed the low character of the PAC’s leadership.

  2. I wonder what they’ll do re Cloutier. You may recall that she ‘disappeared’ during one marriage equality vote before voting for the final bill. She couldn’t be found in Leg Hall b/c she was hiding from her responsibility to vote. Word was that she would only vote yes if she wasn’t the deciding vote on the final bill. She wasn’t. So she did.

    • Jason330 says:

      I suspect it will come down to how much certain human skin tags enjoy her cocktail party banter.

  3. Jason330 says:

    BTW anyone know Mitch Cranes email address? He said they’d announce in “the spring”

  4. John Berryhill says:

    Oh come on, of course Ramone supports Trump. We have long passed the point of it being perfectly obvious what sort of a man Trump is. Ramone’s continued support tells us all we need to know about what sort of a man Ramone is. I’m not buying this cowardly “private criticism” BS – as if recognizing the simple fact that Trump is a lunatic requires some great act of courage.

  5. Alby says:

    We have also long passed the point of it being perfectly obvious what sort of a man Ramone is.

    • jason330 says:

      The only remaining question is, are we long passed the point of it being perfectly obvious what sort of a man Mitch Crane is?

  6. Mitch Crane says:

    Thanks for the encouragement Jason. I am responding because I did discuss this with you months back. The Stonewall Candidates Questionnaire has been drafted. The Board decided to hold off sending it out until the COVID-19 situation settled down in hope the questionnaire is seen and responded to. We are at that point now.

    The Board members are reviewing the final draft. Once it is approved, I anticipate sending them to filed candidates by the end of this week.

    • Jason330 says:

      Thanks Mitch but something about this response fills me with dread.

      I hope I’m wrong, but if the questions don’t demand a direct response about Trump, there is no way you’ll get a clear response from shitheads like Ramone and Delcollo.

      I also hope that the board grasps the importance of this moment – but I doubt they do.