Would it be news if a Republican State Rep Publicly Called Trump A Piece of Shit?

Filed in National by on May 11, 2020

Apparently Mike Ramone is going around trashing the President in private, but, to my knowledge, he has yet to call Trump a low life piece of shit in public.

Ramone is trying to have it both ways. Facing a tough challenger in Stephanie Barry and trying to snag the Stonewall PAC endorsement – Ramone is apparently trashing Trump to Democrats in private.

It is an especially dickish move from Ramone. What the country need like now is people like Ramone and Delcollo coming out in public and telling the truth about the President. Everything else is support of Trump.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Delcollo is pulling the same shit, telling Dem constituents that he is voting for Justin Amash.

  2. Don’t forget Cathy ‘I’m Really A Democrat’ Cloutier. She’s part of the Rethug leadership team in the Senate that helped, along with Dave McBride and Nicole Poore, to bury common sense gun reform. Her act is threadbare. Try getting HER on the record over Trump. You can’t.

    • jason330 says:

      I honestly don’t see why the NJ doesn’t see this as a story. Ramone and Delcollo are apparently actively telling Dem constituents that they have broken with the President (probably Cloutier as well). And yet they are allowing their Republicans constituents to carry on ignorantly thinking that they are “loyal” trumpers.

      It is utterly disgusting – and a news story worth telling.

      Maybe someone who knows how newsrooms work can tell me why this isn’t a newsworthy story?

      • Another Mike says:

        It’s pretty much all coronavirus all the time except for serious outliers. Plus, state races are not in the public consciousness right now. Maybe over the summer.

        The other reason is that the government/politics reporter, Sarah Gamard, is simply not aware of this stuff. She’s in on the Carney updates every day, but it would probably help if you sent her an email outlining the story as you see it. At least then it will be on her radar.

      • Alby says:

        Because they’re not allowed to use unnamed sources.

        • jason330 says:

          I’d see it as a “Republicans in Dem districts face tough choice” type story.

          How do you run as a Republican while trying to distance yourself from Trump? For Ramone the answer is to trash Trump in private to Democrats, what’s Delcollo and Cloutier’s approach? For me… that’s an interesting story.

          • Alby says:

            As much as I agree with you, the News Journal doesn’t even have a reporter dedicated to public education, despite the fact that the school districts in New Castle County alone have budgets that combined exceed $1 billion, far more than any of the municipal budgets in the state.

            Back when newspapers had money for it, they routinely surveyed the public to determine what should be covered. Politics was always near the bottom of the list. Just look at how little coverage is devoted to elections to the General Assembly.

            This is the reason Delaware Liberal exists. If the newspapers covered enough politics to satisfy the people interested in it, there would be no need for us.

  3. John Berryhill says:

    It is a ridiculous ploy.

    Either Ramone is a hypocrite, by hiding his actual beliefs, or he simply does not have the courage to say what he believes in public.

    So, which is it, Mike? Coward, or merely spineless weasel?

    Bill Kristol has this to say of Republicans of the low character of Ramone:

    “I never liked the, Well, in private, they say this. I mean, at some point, that is not an excuse; it’s almost meaningless. People’s behavior in public, if you’re a public official, is your behavior. It really came to a head on impeachment, where we fought hard trying to get Republicans to do the right thing and failed entirely, except for Romney. I think that brought home to me, and should have brought home to everyone, that Republican members of Congress should get zero credit for saying things in private that they’re not willing to say in public. At least the true believers believe it, right? I mean, is going along really a more admirable stance? Is being a cynical apparatchik better than being a true believer?”

    • jason330 says:

      Trump loyalty should be an issue in every race where a Democrat is running against a Republican. It won’t be, but it should be.

      It may be an issue here because Stonewall endorsed him last time. If they do again this year, Crane has said it means they’ve gotten some public disavowal of Trump support.

      We’ll see.

  4. Tim C says:

    This is a typical Democratic move right here. Hence the reason I left the Democratic party a long time ago. Democrats like making up fake news in order to turn their opponents into trash she’s very low minded people. Unless you have audio recording or any kind of proof whatsoever that Delcollo and Ramon said this oh, this is slander, and defamation of character. I suggest you take this post down before I expose your asses

  5. Jason330 says:

    Let me see if I can spot the slander..?

    Would it be news if a Republican State Rep Publicly Called Trump A Piece of Shit?

    A rhetorical question, I think the answer is yes.

    Apparently Mike Ramone is going around trashing the President in private, but, to my knowledge, he has yet to call Trump a low life piece of shit in public.

    No public utterances of this type so far, but I’m on the edge of my seat.

    Ramone is trying to have it both ways. Facing a tough challenger in Stephanie Barry and trying to snag the Stonewall PAC endorsement – Ramone is apparently trashing Trump to Democrats in private.

    My slander meter has yet to budge.

    It is an especially dickish move from Ramone.


    What the country need like now is people like Ramone and Delcollo coming out in public and telling the truth about the President. Everything else is support of Trump..

    I’d say this is political analysis. Where’s the slander? Please take me to court. I want to Barbara Streisand effect this mother.

  6. All Seeing says:

    T C:
    In the Panama Papers Documentory they discribe Donald Trump selling condoes to the Russian Mob, Drug Dealers and laundering money, is that fake news as well? If you have Hulu take a look and listen and educate your ignorant self. Let Agent Orange in for another 4 years he will steal your social security check just like he fucked up my 401k.
    How can you defend Republicans that can’t get their shit together? The only one Trump ever hired that is qualified is Stormey Daniels and she through-up after the act. If Trump has a brain it must be brand new because he has yet to use it.