Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., May 12, 2020

Trump Flees From Reporters.  Notice how he spits out ‘China’ the same way the Church Lady spat out ‘Satan’.  BTW, Asian-Americans used to vote for R’s in fairly solid numbers.  Not any more. At least 77% are poised to vote against Trump. One more constituency gone.  Keep in mind that he fled a press conference designed to be his ‘Mission Accomplished’ moment, as in ‘We’re The Best In Testing’. Pointedly untrue.

Fauci May Lay The Hammer Down Today.  Will reportedly say the following:

“The major message that I wish to convey … is the danger of trying to open the country prematurely,” Fauci wrote to the Times. “If we skip over the checkpoints in the guidelines … then we risk the danger of multiple outbreaks throughout the country.”

Will Supreme Court Rule That Trump Is Above The Law?  This is a big one. It’s all about releasing Trump’s financial records.  The Court has previously held that Presidents are not immune from such proceedings. But those were different Courts. 

Stoopid White RWNJ Trix.  Colorado restaurantMichigan dead-enders.  Which reminds me–our current DL Poll is the best DL Poll ever! Wouldn’t it be great if it…went viral?

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global.  The latest carnage:  1,347,936 confirmed cases and 80,684 deaths in the United States.  An additional 1100-plus deaths yesterday.

The Corruption Of Georgia’s Other Senator.  Look at how Sen. David Perdue got a $6 mill sweetheart package that was ethically bankrupt.  I’m telling you, D’s have a shot at both Georgia Senate seats this fall.  Especially with Gov. Kemp under water at 39% approval.

Even Red State Elections Officials Pushing Vote-By-Mail.  This is, to put it mildly, an encouraging development:

But now, even as Trump has joined these advocates in denouncing vote by mail, Republican election administrators are rejecting their concerns. In Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and West Virginia, GOP officials are expanding vote by mail. Even in Alabama, where Secretary of State John Merrill has long spoken out against vote by mail, the state has added the coronavirus to the reasons for which voters can request an absentee ballot.

Big Oil And Big Coal To Get Massive ‘Bailout Bonanza’.  $750 billion worth.  Great, and maddening, reporting from The Guardian, one of the best journalistic resources out there. Consider a contribution.

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