DL Open Thread: Weds., May 13, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 13, 2020

Is This The Precursor To ‘Obamagate’?  Probably. If indeed there IS an Obamagate.  Painting Michael Flynn as the victim of some dark Obamaesque conspiracy will have no impact outside of what passes for the President’s base.

A Powerful Endorsement For Lindsey Graham’s Challenger.  From an establishment figure who supported Graham until Graham abandoned McCain. Keep an eye on this race.  When there’s an electoral tsunami, this is the kind of race that flips with little warning.

Putin Well On His Way To Stealing Our 2020 Election.  2016 was just a dry run. Hate to ruin your day, but…

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. US. Global.  The latest carnage:  1,370,016 confirmed cases and 82,389 deaths in the United States.  That’s 1700 more deaths in the last 24 hours.  A key model now projects 147,000 deaths in the US by AugustAll California state universities will do virtual learning in the fall.  Alby, I know you’re deeply concerned about this, this probably means no college football in Cali this fall. Sorry.

Biden And Sanders Unveil Task Force Members To Craft Platform And Biden Administration Initiatives. This is not good, it’s great!  If only Hillary had done something like this, we wouldn’t have had four years of Trump.  Just take a look at the appointees!  An under-the-radar story, but very important.

Are These Three States ‘Doomed’ To Second Lockdown?  Projections paint a discouraging picture.

Judge Sullivan Don’t Take No Shit. Permits amicus briefs before ruling on dismissal of Flynn case. Betcha that the 2000 former DOJ attorneys calling for Barr’s resignation just might submit one.

Private Texas ICE Detention Center Stonewalls The Public As Covid Cases Soar.  Here’s something you should know:

Most detained migrants are held in privately owned facilities, which have come under fire for allegations of poor treatment and conditions. Among those owners is Florida-based GEO Group, which generated $2.4 billion in revenue in 2019 and has been a big donor to federal, state and local candidates, primarily Republicans, and GOP political action committees, records show.

Those donations from GEO went to Trump, Sen. Cornyn, and RINO Rep. Cuellar.  Read the entire article, you’ll learn something, especially about this privatized industry.

Carney Announces Plan For Contact Tracing.  This includes the hiring of 200 contact tracers. I gotta say, Carney is well-suited to this moment.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. NCCPD Cover-Up Of Serial Sexual Abuser:


    Notice how the so-called ‘Police Bill Of Rights’ furthered the cover-up of this career cop’s actions. As always, the law doesn’t apply to the police.

  2. Alby says:

    Sad to say, Biden’s advisers include the execrable Larry Summers, who is still determined to cut the Social Security safety net:


  3. meatball says:

    The Micropenis Militia

  4. Yep. Trump will try to turn the ‘unmasking’ of Flynn into Obamagate:


    The Acting Secretary of DNI couldn’t send those names to Rethuglican senators fast enough.

    • jason330 says:

      So Tump is going to openly use the intelligence services to advance his re-election. I’m bracing for statements of “disappointment” and “sadness” from our hard working congressional delegation.

  5. bamboozer says:

    And it’s the full court press of lies and vague assertions for the now red hot Obamagate! Correct me if I’m wrong it looks like they’ve got a whole lot of nothing here. Love the comment from Grassley and Johnson about “getting to the bottom of what happened”. The problem remains the only people who will care are already in Trump’s camp. And drooling.

  6. GeoBumm says:

    from Gizmodo.com
    “A bipartisan amendment that sought to prohibit law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI, from obtaining the web browsing and internet search histories of Americans without a warrant failed to pass by a single vote”

    Those who voted against it?
    Carper, Thomas R. (D-DE) <- Yay for our team! /s
    McConnell, Mitch (R-KY)
    Cotton, Tom (R-AR)
    And B. Sanders didn't even vote.

    I guess getting the gray hairs in NCC to vote for anyone more than two steps left of center is non-starter?

  7. puck says:

    I suppose Joe really has no choice:


    but there are a few good reforms there, even though they came under the execrable deVos.