Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., May 14, 2020

Have Rethugs Already Started Civil War? WisconsinMichigan. Colorado. Texas. Especially Texas.  Pretty much in every state. Egged On By The Rabble Rouser-In-Chief.  The conclusion is inescapable:  The President is advocating for civil insurrection.  This should be a lead story every single day.  Not to mention his burial of the CDC guidelines.

Trump Vs. Fauci.  Trump’s latest moving of the reelection goalposts is–we begin to recover in the 3rd quarter and we have a great 4th quarter.  To achieve it, in what passes for his mind, everything must reopen, and all barriers to reopening must be bulldozed.  Including Dr. Fauci’s words of caution.

Whistleblower Rick Bright To Testify Before Congress Today.  This has kind-of fallen beneath the radar, but it should be compelling.

Another Rethug Senator Headed For The Exits?  FBI seizes the cellphone of Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, who made some, um, fortuitous stock trades right before the pandemic hit.  There is no love lost between Trump and Burr, mainly due to Burr’s work on the bipartisan report that confirmed that Russia indeed interfered in the 2016 election. Gee, I wonder if they’ll do the same to fellow stock-trader Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia, who remains in Trump’s good graces.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global1,390,764 confirmed cases and 84,136 deaths in the United States.  That’s almost 2000 more deaths yesterday.

Nine States Sue To Challenge EPA Rollbacks Of Environmental Protections.  Two of the states–Maryland and Vermont–have Republican governors. So far, Delaware is AWOL. We shouldn’t be.

China Is Feasting On US Pork.  Real pork. Not, you know, ‘pork’.  I guess that ensuring that China has enough pork is reason enough to require meat plant workers to risk their lives.  Hopefully, someone in Biden’s campaign will pick up on this.  American workers dying for Moo Shu Pork.

The Arduous Road To Property Tax Reform In Delaware.  The final result appears years away.

What do you want to talk about?

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