Delaware Congressional Delegation Silent On Trump’s Plan to Put Obama on Trial

Filed in National by on May 15, 2020

Trump has ordered congress to put Obama through a show trial for something the right wing fever swamps calls “OBAMAGATE” (a largely incoherent conspiracy theory that positions former President Obama as the mastermind behind a conspiracy to use federal law enforcement to undermine Trump’s campaign and presidency).

This dangerous and outrageous demand has been met by silence by Delaware’s congressional delegation.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    It’s probably best not to go on record as opposing the investigation of former presidents, if you get my drift.

  2. All seeing says:

    Maybe they need to counter attack with Flynn’s plan to sell nuclear technology to the Saudi Prince or this = Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club Panama via @global_witness

    That’s what these lazy federal officials should do.

  3. Paul says:

    Eastern Shore Dems are asking for questions for Coons for a forum. Any suggestions?