DL Open Thread: Thurs., May 21, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 21, 2020

Trump Gave No-Bid Contract To Company For Mask-Cleaning.  $413 million. The machines don’t work.  More theft, pure and simple.

Missouri Cops Beat Grandmother And Son For Trying To Return TV To Sam’s Club.  I’m sorry, these cops are Nazis.  They think they’re above the law, and they generally are.

At Least 36,000 Lives Could Have Been Saved With Earlier Social Distancing.  In other words, while Trump was downplaying the threat, he was enabling the virus to gain a foothold. China’s fault?

Experts See Southern ‘Second Wave’ Coming Soon.  Man, with people out and traveling again, I see a second wave coming everywhere, including here.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  1,551,853 confirmed cases and 93,439 deaths in the United States. That’s 1500 more deaths yesterday.

Guess Who Benefited From Jared Kushner’s ‘Project Airbridge’?  Yep, the most powerful ‘middlemen’ in distribution.  Real good reporting from Mother Jones.

Wilmington Anticipates $27 Mill Loss Due To Covid-19.  On the bright side, maybe the City can save a few bucks by cutting back on rousting the undesirables from Rodney Square.  Maybe suspend a few Buccini/Pollin contracts?

Delaware Still Facing Prisoner Lawsuits From Vaughn Uprising. At least they’ve razed the building, but they’ve not erased the results of the uprising.

What do you want to talk about? 

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  1. Pompeo And Trump Ignored Warnings Against Arms Sale to Saudis:


    The piece makes clear that the so-called ’emergency’ used as a pretext for the sale did not exist.

  2. bamboozer says:

    I’m afraid I see a second Delaware wave coming, this weekend we’ll be knee deep in New Yorkers and New Jersey people at the beach, suspect few will be social distancing and unless enforced many will not wear masks. Enjoy Sussex, you are number one and suspect your about to extend your lead.

    • The limitations on who can visit the beach are SUPPOSED to be stringent. We’ll see how many would-be scofflaws try to take advantage and whether law enforcement is up to the task.