Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Fri., May 22, 2020

Stoopid RWNJ Trix.  Steal a Coast Guard chopper, shoot out the power at a hospital, ‘liberate’ the patients, and ‘put everyone in quarantine’. No, it makes no sense, but he’s your typical Trump voter.

Stoopid RWNJ Candidate. One Jo Rae Perkins, who vowed support for QAnon, wins R primary for US Senate seat from Oregon.  A lot of people think of Oregon as a liberal bastion and, in large part it is. But when you go east of the Cascades, it’s rural and it’s Trump country. Meaning, it’s the home of the Rethuglican Party in Oregon.

Trump Withdrawal From Open Skies Treaty.  Idiotic and dangerous. If Biden wins, can you imagine the number of Executive Orders he will have to overturn?

Shale Oil Bust Slams Rural Counties.  I’m struggling to empathize with these boom/bust operators. Could it be b/c DeWitt County, TX, one of the hardest-hit counties, gave Trump 80.6% of the vote in 2016? Yes.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  US. Global. The latest carnage:  1,577,758 confirmed cases and 94,729 deaths in the United States. 1400 more deaths yesterday.  We’re seeing a bit of a decline in the deaths.  We can only hope that there isn’t a second wave.

Delaware Revenue Projections Not As Bleak As Expected.  In large part b/c job loss was disproportionately experienced by lower-paid workers.  It’s likely that the adjusted figures will enable the General Assembly to pass a ‘kick-the-can down the road’ budget with little difficulty.

Delaware Nursing Homes Fail To Clear Low Bar.  What a surprise. They’re not doing the mandated testing they are required to do.  I’ve been writing about this awful industry for some time now.  They won’t do anything unless they actually face strong sanctions.  The lobbyists for these dirty providers claim (what else?) that they can’t do the testing unless the state and/or feds shower them with money. Shower them with sanctions instead.

What do you want to talk about?

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