DL Open Thread: Sat., May 23, 2020

Filed in Featured by on May 23, 2020

Trump Claims He Will Reopen Churches If States Don’t. Um, he can’t. But it’s red meat to his evangelical base.  Until they start dying.  Here’s why he did it:

The president’s intervention came as his strength with religious supporters has slipped somewhat. Among white evangelical Protestants who favor Republicans, 77 percent said Mr. Trump was doing a good job dealing with the pandemic, down from 83 percent who thought so in March, according to a poll by the Pew Research Center. Catholic voters who approved of his virus performance two months ago now rate it negatively.

Every decision he makes is political. Every. Single. One.

Florida Voter Fraud…Did Not Exist.  Of course, the unfounded allegations are what will remain in the public’s consciousness.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd1,601,434 confirmed cases and 96,007 deaths in the United States. Study shows that 24 states may still have ‘uncontrolled spread’ of Covid, mostly in southern states. Which reminds me, a study indicates that there may well be a massive undercount in the South.

Oregon Has Their Very Own Christine O’Donnell.  According to, well, her, Jo Rae Perkins was ‘literally physically in tears’ at campaign’s disavowal of her support for QAnon. She then cites Q as her ‘information resource’.

Robert Reich: When This Is Over, Go On Strike.  Sage words from my favorite workers’ advocate. Case in point? Amazon refuses to cooperate with Wisconsin health officials on testing. John? Is Amazon cooperating on testing its workers in Delaware? Have you even asked? Would you do anything about it? Or are they, like the Delaware City refinery and the Sussex County chicken plants, above the law?

Proper Cornhole Techniques.  Ever heard of Cornhole? Didja know there is an American Cornhole League?  I didn’t until the pandemic. Starved for programming, ESPN started showing cornhole matches.  It’s all about tossing a bag filled with corn kernels into a hole on a board.  There are elements of curling involved when it comes to blocking, and it’s equally as boring.  However, watch the linked video.  This game is just made for people with beer bellies. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover a skill you didn’t know you had.  I mean, they’ve got to have Cornhole at the Delaware State Fair, don’t they?

Delaware To Require Universal Testing At Long-Term Care Facilities.  This is one industry where ‘voluntary’ doesn’t work, and has never worked. Especially the ‘for-profit’ sector of this industry.  Their profit largely comes from squeezing care from the patients. That, and their real estate holdings.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    When the strikes come the #1 demand across industries should be Medicare for all. Employer linked health insurance must go.

  2. puck says:

    My favorite quote from this article: https://news.yahoo.com/slosh-slurp-welcome-walktail-party-185807946.html

    Drinks to go have become so prevalent in many cities that there is even a designer, in New Orleans, selling masks with straw holes in them, The New York Post reported.

    “It’s tough to keep my dog on his leash, hold my drink and bend down to pick up his poop,” said Scott Cornick, 45, a bond trader who lives near the South Street Seaport. “City life.”

  3. Alby says:

    Silver lining found: Lobbyists are being laid off on K Street.


  4. meatball says:

    Cornhole is just a safer version of horseshoes. I have never been to a craft beer garden that didn’t have several set up no matter what state it is in.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      I’ve never been to a craft beer garden. Guess that’s why I never made Cornhole’s acquaintance before.

      BTW, the league’s big sponsor is Johnsonville.

      • meatball says:

        lol, what? Never been to Dogfish Head, or 2 Stones? Or
        When: Saturday, January 18, 2020; Registration is 10:30am and bags will fly at 11:00 a.m.
        Where: Food Bank of Delaware, 222 Lake Drive, Newark, DE 19702
        Cost: $50/team (four free drink tickets per team) – must register by January 11. After that, $60/team.

        What passes for acceptable friendly competition in your world, dopey? Jazz that hardly anyone listens to? Just sayin’

        What a fuckin’ elitst completely uninformed, Joe Bidenesque thing to say, mother fucker. Fuck you! Boomer!

        • Guilty as charged. I’ve been to Two Stones a lot. The one off Naamans Road. Had no idea I was thisclose to Cornhole valhalla.

          • Alby says:

            I’m sorry, but every time I read the word I hear Beavis shouting “Cornholio!”

            • meatball says:

              That’s because both of you are elitist motherfuckers. There is absolutely no reason for those making less than $40k/family of four to come out to vote….none.

              • I, as an Elitist, hereby declare you Cornholier Than Thou.

              • meatball says:

                Nope. You sir are just another one of the dopey lower “middle” class that believe they can make inroads to the “mythical swing voters” that make less than $40k. Nothing you, Joe, Trump, Carney, or any other Bozo says will make any difference in their lives. That’s why they don’t vote. I literally interview them every day. Your turn.

              • Are you serious with this shit? Have you gone off your rocker?

                I toss in a light piece about cornhole in the open thread, mainly to demonstrate how desparate ESPN is for programming and to lighten the mood, and you end up here?

                I just assumed you were playing a role. I was wrong.


  5. bamboozer says:

    Vote By Mail, can we get this done? As ever the worth of a program can be determined by the level of vehemence with which the Republicans reject it. Literally all they have is the shopworn “voter fraud”, even in gullible AF America I don’t think it’s working. Obviously it will be a tough sell in red states, the Republicans know it would mean most of their voter suppression games would be ineffective, other then gerrymandering.

    P.S. Cornhole is the ultimate drunken party game, very hard to injure yourself or anyone else (as opposed to say Jarts at ten paces) no matter how bad your aim is.

  6. nathan arizona says:

    Jazz is elitist? Hey, you can get drunk listening to jazz, too.