Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sun., May 24, 2020

Election Doomsday Scenarios: Anybody who thinks that Trump wouldn’t go there, think again.  Here’s perhaps the worst, and most likely, scenario:

The bigger threat in his mind, he said, is the possibility that the Trump administration could act in October to make it harder for people to vote in urban centers in battleground states — possibilities, he said, that include declaring a state of emergency, deploying the National Guard or forbidding gatherings of more than 10 people.

Such events could serve to depress or discourage turnout in pockets of the country that reliably vote for Democrats.

100,000 Deaths. 100,000 Lives.  A profound memorial to the victims of COVID-19 this Memorial Day weekend.

Trump Plans 4th Of July Celebration, His Hotel Raises Rates.  If only we had an Emoluments Clause…

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd.  1,622,990 confirmed cases and 96,046 deaths in the United States.  Trump goes golfing.

Could Kidnappings Make A Comeback?  They were big during the Great Depression, as were carjackings.  We may be heading to a depression, so…:

I was surprised to learn that, despite acquiring its informal name from the Lindbergh crime, the Federal Kidnapping Act of 1932 was a reaction to a string of abductions that began before the Lindbergh baby was even born and continued while he was still squirming happily in his crib.

There were so many kidnappings in Depression-era America that newspapers listed the less sensational cases in small type, the way real estate transactions or baseball trades were rendered. There were so many kidnappings that some public officials wondered aloud if they were witnessing an epidemic.

In fact, they were.

Delaware Loosens Restrictions On Restaurants And Churches.  Changes seem reasonable to me.

What do you want to talk about?

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