Biden on George Floyd’s Murder by Cops

Filed in National by on May 29, 2020

“We can’t ignore that we are in a country with an open wound right now, A wound far older and deeper than George Floyd’s—George Floyd’s killing—and his brutal, brutal death captured on film. His final words, pleading for breathe. ‘Let me breathe, I can’t breathe.’ It’s ripped open anew this—this ugly underbelly of our society.”

“You know, if we’re not committed as a nation, with every ounce of purpose in our beings–not just to binding up this wound in hope that somehow the scab once again will cover things over–but to treat the underlying injury, we’re never going to eventually heal,”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Lionel says:

    Good stuff. He sounds like a leader and we need one badly

  2. Arthur says:

    “…this ugly underbelly of our society.” Its not the underbelly, its right out there in plain sight.