Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tues., June 2, 2020

Trump Declares War Against America, Sends In Troops To Quash Peaceful DemonstrationFor A ‘Fascist Photo-Op’.  At St. John’s Episcopal Church.  Here is the Reverend’s response:

“I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop,” Budde said.

She excoriated the president for standing in front of the church — its windows boarded up with plywood — holding up a Bible, which Budde said “declares that God is love.”

“Everything he has said and done is to inflame violence,” Budde of the president. “We need moral leadership, and he’s done everything to divide us.”

Trump Pledges To Invoke Insurrection Act And Send The Military To The States.  Has Unhinged Conversation With Governors.  Listen to the audio here.  BTW, the criminals in the White House are happy this tape leaked.

Everything Falls Apart, Police Brutality EditionLouisville Cops Kill Cook Who Fed Them For Free. BTW, this is as good a place as any to call out our feckless congressional delegation.  Tom Carper was reportedly delayed on I-95 for the peaceful protest. He couldn’t get out of his car to meet the protesters?  Chris Coons has been too busy getting endorsements from Big Pharma to carve out a little time on his schedule? Phony piety becomes him.  And, as for the ‘first woman of color’ to be elected as US Representative from Delaware, Lisa is doing what, exactly? The milk carton meme is perfect. Biden has met with protesters and victims.  What are the excuses of these poor excuses for public servants?

Defense Secretary Calls American Streets A ‘Battlespace To Dominate’.  Yep. A ‘battlespace’ full of protesters who must be dominated.  The language is downright Orwellian.

Trump And Sessions Ended Federal Oversight Of Police Departments:

When Trump finally fired Sessions in November 2018, the outgoing attorney general had one final trick up his sleeve. Before leaving the Justice Department,  he quietly signed a memorandum in one of his last official acts all but ending the department’s oversight of police departments. The memorandum made the Trump administration’s de facto policy against new consent decrees official, while extending the same hands-off policy to other areas of federal enforcement involving state responsibilities in areas like pollution and voting rights. Experts predicted that even departments already under current federal oversight might once again act with impunity because the memo undercut the authority of civil rights attorneys to enforce them. Sessions’ memo set policy, but it also sent a message to police departments that they would no longer have to answer to the federal government—not even when when officer shootings draw national attention. 

Paul Krugman Puts It All In Context:

How did we get here? The core story of U.S. politics over the past four decades is that wealthy elites weaponized white racism to gain political power, which they used to pursue policies that enriched the already wealthy at workers’ expense.

Until Trump’s rise it was possible — barely — for people to deny this reality with a straight face. At this point, however, it requires willful blindness not to see what’s going on.

So what has Trump really offered to the white working class that makes up most of his base? Basically, he has provided affirmation and cover for racial hostility.

And nowhere is this clearer than in his relationship with the police.

Treasury Official Benefits From Bailout. Boy, do he and his family business benefit.  I know the unrest and COVID has diverted everybody’s attention,  but the blatant criminal behavior of members of this administration goes on and on.  Read it.

Trump Has Reached The ‘Mad Emperor’ Stage. Yes, it’s terrifying.

Everything Falls Apart, Ctd. The latest carnage: 1,811,277 confirmed cases and 105,147 deaths in America.

AG Kathleen Jennings Calls For Increased Public Oversight Of Police.  It’s a thin line that’s she’s walking.  This is a good first step.  This would be a better step: putting an end to some ‘use-of-force’ laws.

BTW, this from my daughter out in Portland. She says that the cops have been better at just letting protesters protest. Her greater concern? The Proud Boys, who have a large following in the Pacific Northwest, and who are hovering around the protests.

What do you want to talk about?




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