DL Open Thread: Mon., June 8, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 8, 2020

Wealthy Hospitals Laid Off Workers And Gave Executives Bonuses From Fed Funds.  They were already sitting on billions in cash reserves. They got more, and spent none of it on, you know, health care. Isn’t that fraud?

‘Real Stiff’ Colin Powell Endorses Biden.  Won’t make much difference, but I like the symbolism.  And yes, it’s Trump who called him a ‘real stiff’ and ‘highly overrated’.

Minneapolis To Disband Police Department.  Looks like they may have a veto-proof majority.  To be replaced by a ‘public safety response team’.  Real change.

White House Fence Turned Into Memorial For Black Victims Of Violence.  At this point, the question is:  How much will really change?  In Delaware, the Democratic House Leadership team is comprised of two ex-cops and the Executive Director Of the Police Athletic League.  There is no way in Hell that there will be meaningful reform as long as that team remains intact.  Memo to the House Democratic Caucus: Until or unless you choose leaders who stand with those of you who want to reform the system, you will never be able to reform the system even a little bit. I know that this session is almost over, but it’s up to you to get rid of these ‘knee on your neck’ neanderthals if you are serious about change. I mean, seriously, three cop groupies as your leaders? WTF?  BTW, Our PAL Val lists her ‘occupation’ as ‘Full-Time Legislator’And yet, there’s this. They can’t both be true.

Dem. Rep. Pushed For Loans That Benefited Her Husband’s Casino.  Proof that corruption is not limited to Rethugs. 

Cops Have Arrested 10,000 Protesters, Almost All Non-ViolentWanna help pay bail for these political prisoners?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    “They got more, and spent none of it on, you know, health care. Isn’t that fraud?”

    Morally, yes but legally? Depends on how the bill was written. The bill that passed the Democratic House. Should have taken more time to read it.

    “Minneapolis To Disband Police Department”

    This may be the only way to bust the police union. Like Reagan did to PATCO. If we want to reform policing we’re going to need different policemen. Repeal and replace.

  2. Alby says:

    Politico examines the growing split in the GOP over law and order and how the public’s visceral reaction against police brutality is undermining yet another Republican avenue to retaining power.


  3. Another Mike says:

    Legislators in New York have vowed to repeal the barriers to the release of police disciplinary records. Today. That’s still a pipe dream in Delaware.


  4. puck says:

    Irene Triplett, last person to collect an American civil war pension, dies at 90


    “Her father, Mose Triplett, fought for the Confederacy and the Union in the civil war, which began in 1861 and ended with the defeat of the slave power in 1865. He applied for his Union pension 20 years after the war and in 1930, when his daughter was born, he was 83.”

    Here’s more on how Mose Triplett ended up fighting for both sides, and fathering a child at age 83:


  5. Mike Dinsmore says:

    John Oliver was really exceptional last night…


  6. Ben says:

    can we stop thanking Bush Republicans for having the slightest bit of decency? Powel was the front man for selling the Iraq war. He knew he was lying at the time. W, Romney, Powel… these are not the people who will bring more voters to Biden.