Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Remember The Coronavirus?:  It’s Still SpreadingBolsonaro may be even worse than Trump.   And/or Trump might just decide to follow Bolsonaro’s game plan.  Hey, we’ve got some serious hot spots right here in the good ol’ USA:

The badly hit states are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Kentucky, New Mexico, North Carolina, Mississippi, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah—while Puerto Rico has also recorded its highest-ever weekly average.

20 states give nursing homes (!) broad immunity from lawsuits.  No justice.

The Complete Record Of The Federal Response To Peaceful Protests in DC.  Separating fact from White House fiction. A must-watch.

Eugene Robinson To D’s: Stop Worrying.  For me, that ain’t happening.

Minny Cops Punctured Protesters’ Tires–Because They Could.  Isn’t that behavior–illegal? More proof that the law has been far more lawless than any of the protesters.

Trump Throwing Jared Under The Bus?  ‘These are desperate times, Mrs. Lovett. And desperate measures must be taken.’ (name the source for that quote):

“Trump is malignantly crazy about the bad poll numbers,” a former West Wing official said. “He’s going to broom Kushner and [Brad] Parscale—the numbers are not getting better,” a Republican close to the campaign said.

Maybe they can bring in Manafort, Flynn and Stone to right the ship. I’m serious.

LA Mayor To Redirect $150 Mill In Police Funding To Community Programs.  Real change.

Portland (OR) Police Chief Resigns.  I know a little something about this as my daughter has taken part in several of these protests out there.  She’s smart about it, has a lawyer’s phone number written on her arm, wears her mask,  stays hydrated, comes prepared.  The Portland police have been out of control.  Tossing tear gas (more dangerous than advertised) at peaceful protesters, utilizing a ‘sonic’ device to basically deafen protesters.  When you think about the generally progressive nature of the city, the behavior of the cops has been beyond the pale. And it hasn’t really been the fault of the chief, it’s the fact that the cops view the protesters as the Enemy, and they ignore the ‘leadership’. Period.  Time to come down hard on them.

BTW, Check Out What Phoenix Cops Did.  While nobody’s been watching, Trump has continued his war against immigrants. Aided by the Phoenix cops.

Cops Have Spied On Black Reporters And Activists For Years.   A must-read.  If this doesn’t reflect inherent racism, I don’t know what does.

Boogaloos With Weapons.  Using everything from trucks to chainsaws to go after protesters.

What do you want to talk about?

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