DL Open Thread: Friday, June 12, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 12, 2020

Wilmington Responds To Protests. And how!  Kudos to Mayor Mike, Police Chief Tracy, and, especially, the activists who have made this possible.  Most important?: …’the use of body cameras “without delay.”‘  Real Progress.

State ‘Leaders’ Stumble,Bumble And Fumble On Police ReformWarning: The comments of certain elected officials will likely result in the death of brain cells.  To (half-) wit:

The task force will be headed by Black Caucus member Rep. Franklin Cooke, D-New Castle, a former police officer, who thinks some of the proposals his group will consider “might need tweaking.”

“We have to compromise,” Cooke said. “It’s not going to please everybody, but it’s at least stepping forward.”

First, the head of the task force is an ex-cop who then got a cushy county job kissing Tom Gordon’s ass? Second, you’re already ‘compromising’ before your proposals have had a fair hearing, proposals which are timid at best?  Is Cooke a Speaker Pete appointment?  Is the rest of the Legislative Black Caucus OK with this? If so, I’m sorry, but they’re part of the problem. Where is Jakim Mohammed when we need him?

As to Speaker Pete, who supposedly leads the entire House of Representatives:

But the top-ranking Democrat, who voiced support for the Black Caucus’ proposed reforms at a Wednesday press conference, warned during the interview that proposed regulations such as body cameras aren’t going to become laws without police approval.

“A legislator writing a policy is not going to get the approval of the law enforcement officers, I’m going to tell you that right now,” Schwartzkopf said.

There you have it. The Speaker is giving the cops, who are the problem, veto power over any police reform initiatives.  He should not be the Speaker, he should not be in leadership. Time for you to insist that your legislators come out of hiding and do something about it.  BTW, the one person who speaks truth to power in the entire piece is Larry Lambert, who is running for State Rep in the 7th RD against incumbent Ray Seigfried.

Come To The Rally! Absolve Me Of All Blame!  Hey, it’s the way Trump has always done business. Why shouldn’t it hold true for the Great Unwashed?  What better way to admit that they’re all suckers?

Trump Excludes Black Law Enforcement Officials From Dallas Meeting  On Law Enforcement.  What, you thought he would change, even a little bit? I am dreading, dreading, his rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth. 

Chicago Cops Do What They Do Best During A Protest–Nap. In a Black Congressman’s Office.  FOP blames the mayor for releasing the footage.  Not the cops who were literally lying down on the job.

Catastrophic Election Day Coming?  Looks like it. And states are either ill-prepared and/or deliberately not preparing for massive vote-by-mail demand.

The Latest Coronavirus Hot Spots.  Man, check out North and South Carolina.  You can click on the individual counties.  It’s interesting.  Most of the new hot spots are in Trump counties.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    Pete Schwartzkopf must resign (he will not) or be removed by the caucus. What’s the process for voting him out of the speakership?

  2. Hop-Frog says:

    WOW! Wilmington has removed the statue of Christopher Columbus from Pennsylvania Ave. and is removing the statue of CAESAR RODNEY from Rodney Square!

    Talk about Real Progress!

  3. nathan arizona says:

    Hope this kind of thing doesn’t inspire a backlash that will get Trump reelected.

    • Alby says:

      I’m trying to imagine the person who says to himself, “I don’t approve of him as president, but Trump can bring back the Caesar Rodney statue so Ima vote for him.”

  4. Andrew C says:

    Ladies and gentlemen, your representative from Milford:

    “‘The science says this has passed and we do not have a threat,’ Rep. Charles Postles, R-Milford, said Friday.”


  5. nathan arizona says:

    I can imagine people losing their enthusiasm for the cause or hopping the wrong way off the fence (the statues here are just a small part of it, obviously). But in a Biden landslide I guess it wouldn’t matter.

    • I admit that I’m not in love with bringing down the CR statue. I think it runs the risk of turning off people who have generally been supportive of the cause.

      I understand the logic behind it, I just wonder if it’s almost an unnecessary stick in the eye to the casual supporter.

      • Hop-Frog says:

        I have to say I was shocked at the removal of the CR statue, but the city could certainly not afford images of cops fighting demonstrators to protect it. The big question, of course, is whether the removal will spark a wide reconsideration of the place of the most famous — and ubiquitous — of Delaware’s “Founding Fathers.”

        Just for kicks, I checked the website of those chuckleheads at the Caesar Rodney Institute, but so far it’s crickets.

      • Alby says:

        They took it down because, unlike the real Caesar Rodney, the statue refused to wear a mask.

  6. Jason330 says:

    I’m thinking that vandalism of the police statue in Dover was the work of Trumpers trying to stir up shit.

    It is based on nothing but my gut, but that location tells me something