Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Sat., June 13, 2020

Trump Removes Health Care Protections For Transgendered Persons.  For no other reason than that he’s a hateful piece of shit. Of all the things to prioritize during a pandemic. But, hey, Obama created the protections, and every vestige of Obama must be eliminated.

The Risks Of Having The RNC Convention In Jacksonville.  I’m calling it now:  What happens at that convention will kill Trump’s chances in Florida. Clip-‘n-save.

‘Boogaloo Boi’ Prime Suspect In Shootings Of Officers.  Wow. Not Antifa? Knock me over with a feather.  Which reminds me.  Remember what John Carney said after that violent protest in Wilmington?:

Delaware Gov. John Carney, too, blamed Antifa after the Wilmington protest, saying police were told not to get “sucked into what these activists, these anarchists, these Antifa folks want, which is to provoke violence.”

There’s someone who lives in our community who has an ‘Antifa’ bumper sticker on their truck. Suffice it to say that this person is incapable of organizing anything.

The Latest Coronavirus Hot SpotsWhat’s Happening In Arkansas. I notice three more Arkansas counties have become hot spots since yesterday–two small rural counties, and Sebastian County, which is the fourth most populous county in the state.  All were solidly pro-Trump in 2016. Also an outbreak in Midland County, TX.  Trump got 75% of the vote there in 2016. Finally, just look at Arizona.  The outbreaks are in the population centers of the state.  No doubt about it: Arizona reopened too soon.

The Disastrous Response To COVID-19 In Meatpacking Plants.  More great reporting from Pro Publica.  The kind of reporting that gets your blood boiling.  So much of this could have been prevented.

Yahoos Win–Ohio Medical Director Resigns.  From now on, they get what they deserve.

The Alleged Defacer Of That Law Enforcement Statue Is–This Guy.  Seriously? “Two urine-soaked State of Delaware Flags”?  How many beers is that? Guy returned to the scene to retrieve his lost cellphone. Genius!

What do you want to talk about?

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