Trump Supporter Vandalized Law Enforcement Memorial in Apparent Attempt to Frame BLM

Filed in National by on June 13, 2020

This shit is so predictable.

The Dover Police Department has charged Kyle Bullock (42) for damaging the Delaware Law Enforcement Memorial. When Dover Police officers arrived on scene, one of the items they located was a cell phone. Officers were able to determine the phone belonged to Bullock. While on scene, Bullock came back and asked the officers if they had seen a cell phone, claiming that he lost it in the area while participating in prior protest activity. Bullock quickly left the scene at that time and officers obtained warrants for his arrest. Officers were later able to obtain video evidence of the incident.

The Delaware State Police arrested Bullock at his residence on Friday evening without incident.

Prior to this incident, Bullock had been observed in the area of protest activity in Dover and at the Dover Police Department becoming disorderly towards law enforcement officials and civilian employees he encountered. While he was often seen in the area of protest activity, Bullock was not a part of the group of organized persons that have conducted protest activity in the Dover area since May 31st, 2020. Several members of the protest group advised law enforcement throughout their demonstrations that Bullock was not with their group and asked law enforcement to be aware of him as well.

Here is a mugshot of the genius.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (31)

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  1. Alby says:

    It seems the BLM protests have brought out all the right-wing loonies who want a civil war, and that most of the violence at these protests is being committed by them, not the protesters. A particularly gruesome example:–Boogaloo-Boi-eager-for-civil-war-arrested-for-shooting-2-deputies-linked-to-protest-killings

  2. Alby says:

    From the Dover PD web site, confirmation that these guys are using the cover of the protests in false-flag style:

    While on scene, Bullock came back and asked the officers if they had seen a cell phone, claiming that he lost it in the area while participating in prior protest activity. Bullock quickly left the scene at that time and officers obtained warrants for his arrest. Officers were later able to obtain video evidence of the incident.

  3. VenialCyn says:

    Are we sure that’s the correct facebook page? That guy’s in Mississippi and is 50…

  4. Al Catraz says:

    …belongs to whom?

    What on that Facebook page suggests it is the same Kyle Bullock?

    This is what we accept as proof these days?

  5. Mike says:

    That not the same person.

  6. Nancy Willing says:

    Not the same person.

  7. E R says:

    Not the 50 yr old but does admit to being a provocateur as its his fb description.

  8. Gofuckyourselves says:

    Ive met this dude and hes literally not a yrump supporter so yall are really making a stretch claiming this shit. Literally find something better to do. This was simple vandalism. Hes mad at the system just like you are even if he’s misguided.

  9. Anon says:

    Lmfao the outcasts on this blog are so desperate they’re pushing fake news

  10. Reality Check says:

    Sorry, you are wrong. Look up his voter registration. 42 years old resides in Camden DE. Democrat.

  11. jason330 says:

    How drunk on White privilege do you have to be to return to the scene of your false flag vandalism to retrieve your cell phone?

    • Xeromeme says:

      Knowing him personally, he is not right wing at all. In this particular case, he is more anti-authoritarian and anti-bad cop. He’s been at a lot of the protests, including the ones in front of Troop 3, and he’s seeing first hand how police are agitating the protests to make excuses for arresting people, including journalists! He is allegedly being linked to the scene of the defamation of a law enforcement memorial statue. Considering we’re in a time where statues all over the country linked to slavery, racism, the confederacy, and police and their link brutality are being scrutinized. If they are not deemed appropriate in this newly refurbished society were trying to make, then its being removed. The country at whole is beginning to subscribe to the notion that our hurtful past need not be forgotten, but it also should not be honored anymore.

  12. Nancy Willing says:

    It is seriously the wrong person – no matter how much you want it to be the man who lives in Camden, it isn’t. The faces are similar and the ginger is distracting but…..not the same person and you should edit the post. Just my common sense talkin’.

    • jason330 says:

      are you saying the Dover police arrested the wrong Trump supporter? Are you saying the picture they used isn’t the right guy?

      Because unless that’s what you are saying, I don’t get it. The perp was called out at the protest as not being with the protest. It was clearly a false flag operation by this Trump supporter. The fact there is another Trump supporter somewhere with the same name doesn’t change the facts at all.

  13. ‘Urine-soaked flags’. It would be blog malpractice not to bring back this blast from the past:

  14. Andrew C says:

    Look, I agree with what you guys do here, I love this site. But you can’t post screenshots of a different person’s Facebook page for a day, assume/pretend they are this guy, then unceremoniously take them off here and pretend they were never here, without making an official retraction.

    I mean, you’ve got commenters on The Daily Kos making fun of this site for the blunder:

    You just have to be careful, that’s all. Yeah, he sounds like a clown, that’s undeniable, but just please don’t do lousy “research” like that.

    • Ben says:

      hard agree. Just a simple “my bad” would work. I get the impulse. I do. but also, some try to find addresses on these people. think about what you’re encouraging and that it should only be pointed at the…. right people.

  15. Jason330 says:

    I don’t give a fuck about daily kos.

    As far as taking screen shots from blue Delaware’s FB post on this, my bad.

    Dude looked like a Trumper to me. Still not convinced he isn’t but ok. Cool. He is the outlier.

    • Al Catraz says:

      So what factual support do you have for the proposition he is a Trump supporter?

      Your mere suspicion does not make it a fact.

      It’s okay to make mistakes. Character is in what you do when that happens.

      • jason330 says:

        If he turns out to not be a Trump supporter I’ll owe him an apology. Don’t worry. When I’ve been wrong, I own it. It’s happened three or four times in 15 years of blogging.

  16. Beau says:

    I grew up with this dude and he’s one of the reasons I’m a radical socialist. Calling him a trumper is laughable and you need to do your research, post the correct Facebook, and retract this. Kyle Bullock is as anti establishment as they come. He didn’t associate with the peaceful protest because he knew he wanted to cause trouble and didn’t want to drag anyone down with him.

    • jason330 says:

      That’s nice to hear. I think the picture is clearing up. And it is looking more likely that I made a mistake. Thank you.