DL Open Thread: Sun., June 14, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 14, 2020

Atlanta Cops Kill Rayshard Brooks.  Pandemonium ensues.  Cop culture must die.  I think the Atlanta mayor got it right:

“While there may be debate over whether this was an appropriate use of deadly force, I firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do,” Bottoms said. “I do not believe this was a justified use of deadly force and have called for the immediate termination of the officer.”

Extreme RWNJ Defeats Incumbent RWNJ In Bizarre Va. Primary.  Oops, not a ‘primary’, a ‘convention’. Conducted in drive-thru fashion at the ‘Tree Of Life Ministries’ in good ol’ Lynchburg, Va.

Latest Coronavirus Hot Spots. Four Florida counties show rapid growth, as do a bleepload of counties in Texas. A new cluster in SW Missouri.  South Carolina looks like a disaster area. So much for the heat slowing down the virus.

Some Unions Unhappy With State Pay Freeze.  We’re talking about negotiated step increases.  If projections improve, the increases could be restored retroactively.  A key problem here is that, once again, generating some additional revenue from Delaware’s wealthiest is off the table. It always is.

Trump Administration Not Providing Race & Ethnicity Info On Covid-19 Victims.  This article lays out why the information is so essential.

Why ‘Police Reform’ Won’t Work.  A think-piece worth reading.

What do you want to talk about?

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