Coons’ Bipartisan Superpowers Fall Flat – Season 8, Episode XXVII

Filed in National by on June 15, 2020
Ending qualified immunity for cops is central to any meaningful police reform.   You might think that this, at long last  is a a time for Coons’ “meaningful friendships across the aisle,”  to come into play.  You would be wrong.  
Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) says that ending qualified immunity for police officers is “off the table” for Republicans: “Any poison pill in legislation means we get nothing done.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. The main criticism I’ve heard about Jess Scarane’s campaign–and I’ve heard it from people who I consider to be persuadable, is that it’s basically attacks on Coons with little guidance as to what Jess would do in his stead.

    Well, I see the burgeoning movement for justice as a tremendous opportunity for her. To the extent that her views mirror those of the protesters, and I believe they do, she can come out strong for a police reform package that places limits on qualified immunity, mandatory body cameras, a rollback of use-of-force provisions, and more.

    The contrast between her and the guy who takes his marching orders from officer Faulkner’s widow will be stark, and I think effective.

    Just my suggestion as a supporter and contributor.

  2. And, right on cue (I swear I didn’t see this before I posted), here’s an excerpt from Jess’ latest e-blast:

    “It’s time we reimagine public safety as a concept grounded in guaranteeing the health, education, and prosperity of the people. Here’s how we can do it:

    Cut police funding and invest that money in alternative programs, health, education, and social services

    Ban military gear for police (end the 1033 program and the 1122 program)

    Require stronger background checks to ensure that white supremacists aren’t infiltrating law enforcement

    Enforce standards that make sure cops who commit brutality are fired

    Establish a national database to guarantee that those cops who are dismissed cannot be hired elsewhere

    Ensure transparency & accountability through programs such as: Independent Community Review Boards, FOIA, a national violence incident database, & end qualified immunity.”

    Right ON, sister. Right on.

  3. jason330 says:

    There you go. It took me too long to type the comment below, but you get it.


    I get that perception. It is tricky because “what Jess would do” twines together, and sounds very similar to “the opposite of what Coons is doing” because Coons is so fucking horrible. That is to say…

    – Stop working with the GOP to rush Trump judges onto the bench.

    – Stop giving the GOP cover on items like healthcare by pre-negotiating away Democratic demands.

    – Stop taking money from, and giving quid pro quo legal succor to Big Pharma

    – Start treating actual Delawareans as constituents.

    – Start building a Democratic voting block in the Senate that defends the rights of actual Delawareans and pushes for actual police reform, social and economic justice.

    – Start investing is green energy and sustainability in a stop the tax credit shell game.

    (FTR – these are not her bullet points but my take on what I’ve read of hers)