Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf – White Men Like Me Are The Real Victims of Racism*

Filed in National by on June 15, 2020

Just get a load of this shit. Pete Schwartzkopf must resign or be removed by the caucus.


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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Andrew C says:

    “I mean, it’s time for the people of color to quit feeling like they’re less of a person than we are.”

    Ha, jesus… absolutely unreal. Get fucked, Pete.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Yup. If these negros would only stop feeling sorry for themselves….

    Resign Pete, you lowlife.

  3. John Kowalko says:

    Some are proposing that this was poor reporting or a hit piece by Sarah Gamard. Putting the Speaker’s own words in print is poor reporting or a “hit piece”? You’ve got to be kidding. If the Speaker feels he was quoted out of context or not accurately than I’d advise him to issue a statement to that effect but beware of the facts Pete.
    The quotes from Pete speak volumes for themselves. He claims he was once a victim of discrimination. Schwartzkopf told the black female legislator, “I can’t understand what you went through. But I can tell you that I’ve experienced some of the same things myself.” “They bypassed me twice to promote a person of color,” he said, “So I do understand that side of it. … I know how I felt. I worked hard for the promotion. I ultimately got the promotion eventually”. That is a ridiculous statement (in and of itself) and is inexcusably offensive and out of touch with reality.
    “We can fix all the laws in the world, and we’re not going to fix this,” Schwartzkopf said. “We need to have a cultural shift and a mentality shift as well as just a human nature shift. I mean, it’s time for the people of color to quit feeling like they’re less of a person than we are.”
    Grow up and wake up Mr. Speaker. You, me and all of us white privileged leaders have done nothing to assure people of color that they are equal. In fact our actions and failures to act as elected leaders and our refusal to acknowledge and be responsible for our own attitudes is exactly what would cause people of color to feel less of a person. We have failed to admit that the reality of a privilege often comes at the expense of the deprived. Sarah Gamard did her job fairly and accurately which is more than I can say for anyone attempting to defend Speaker Schwartzkopf.

    • jason330 says:


      “Some are proposing that this was …a hit piece by Sarah Gamard. Putting the Speaker’s own words in print is …a “hit piece”?

      Give ’em hell, John.

  4. Mike Matthews says:

    When the Speaker of the House says “community reform” and “cultural reform” will be needed on top of legislative reform, this is coded language.

    From The News Journal article:

    “Schwartzkopf, who was a Delaware state trooper for 25 years before becoming a lawmaker in 2002, said that a lot of different issues need to be examined to address systemic racism in Delaware, and legislative reform won’t be enough. He said “community reform” and “cultural reform” will also be necessary.”
    What does this mean? “Community reform” and “cultural reform”? I know exactly what it means.

  5. Mike Matthews says:

    His comment is clearly saying “Those Black folks in the city need to learn how to behave and maybe the cops won’t respond the way they do.” He’s basically victim-blaming.

  6. Having said all this, the onus is really on the House Democratic (Autocratic?) Caucus.

    They elected two cops and a cop wannabe to leadership. It is up to them to change the leadership. Probably won’t happen until after the election, and it won’t happen then unless/until the newly-elected Caucus stands up to what has been ten years of governing by fear that the Schwartzkopf/Longhurst team has inflicted on them.

    Meaning, the time is NOW for all of us on this blog who have Delaware D’s as their representatives to ask them if they will support such change. If not, it’s not too late to file.

  7. jason330 says:

    Prediction – In effort to explain his explanation of his explanation, Pete will tell reporters that he can’t be racists because he only took part in a few lynchings and didn’t really like them.

  8. RSE says:


    • RSE says:

      Maybe Shwarzkopf was trying to convey the concept of “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

  9. Sometimes, good reporting merely consists of securing an interview and asking the kind of questions that bring out the thoughts of the person being interviewed. That’s what happened here.

    Speaker Pete, pardon the expression, hung himself with his own words.

  10. Jim C says:

    Go after them, John. I’ll stand with you!