DL Open Thread: Tues., June 16, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 16, 2020

Conservative Christians’ Heads Exploding.  I’m enjoying it immensely–until the upcoming Roe decision.  Dreading that one.  There was also some good news on the Second Amendment front.

Police Detain RWNJ ‘Civil Militia’ In New Mexico. Did I mention that a militia member fired at protesters?

COVID-19 Growing Along The Interstates.  I still can’t believe that we’re going back to sorta-normal when conditions aren’t close to normal.  The latest new hot spots: Pasco County, FL; a quartet of rural counties in southern Georgia; Laurens County, SC; Lubbock County, TX (which gave Trump 66% of the vote); Alabama, South Carolina, and Louisiana are statewide disaster areas.  Trump Country is where the virus is spreading exponentially.

Ohio Vs. GM?  State gave GM a bleepload of tax breaks in exchange for GM running an auto plant until at least 2027.  GM closed the plant anyway.

Trump & His Cronies–Cerberus Reimagined?  Snarling dogs’ heads? I’m in.

Abandoned Oil Wells: A Methane Menace.  One more thing you don’t want to know about–but probably should. Excellent reporting from Reuters. The sobering stats in a paragraph:

The U.S. figures are sobering: More than 3.2 million abandoned oil and gas wells together emitted 281 kilotons of methane in 2018, according to the data, which was included in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s most recent report on April 14 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. That’s the climate-damage equivalent of burning 16.2 million barrels of crude oil, according to an EPA calculation.

Black Students Demand More Diversity From UD.  The paucity of diversity at the University of Delaware has been long-standing. To the point where it can only be described as deliberate.  Calls for more diversity must also extend to the State of Delaware, specifically the General Assembly. They have been aware of this for many decades, yet they do nothing about it.  Institutional racism? Absolutely.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “Conservative Christians’ Heads Exploding.[]yes, that is awesome. “we’ll vote for the adulterous pussy grabber because judges”] I’m enjoying it immensely–until the upcoming Roe decision. Dreading that one.”

    Maybe Roberts can get one of the other “conservatives” to break on that one? (Probably less than 2% chance, I know)

    Here is my question… how much leverage does Roberts have over the associates?

  2. Motorcycle Gang Descends On Peaceful Ohio Protest:


    They’d heard that ‘busloads of antifa’ were there. Hey, even John Carney perpetuates that phony meme with no evidence whatsoever.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    I did not see this coming – “Supermarket executive Chris Kenny has acquired the TownSquare Delaware website.”
