DL Open Thread: Weds., June 17, 2020

Filed in Featured by on June 17, 2020

This Tulsa Rally Shapes Up To Be A Disaster.  The Great Unwashed are lining up four days before the event. No doubt to read the fine print in the Trump disclaimer. Not only should he not go, I think that even he knows that he should  not go. But he can’t be seen as weak.  BTW, COVID-19  cases in Oklahoma are surging.

Judge Orders Trump To Release $679 Million Of COVID Relief To Native American Tribes. Mnuchin is right there with Trump and Barr when it comes to blatant law-breaking.  Hey, they’re Native Americans. Who needs ’em?:

The judge’s order comes after the Treasury Department has blown past deadlines, for months, for distributing coronavirus aid to tribal governments, who have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. Congress set aside $8 billion for tribes when it passed the CARES Act stimulus package in late March, and directed the Treasury Department to get the money out the door by April 26. That didn’t happen. The agency distributed about $4.8 billion in late May, and most of the remaining $3.2 billion wasn’t distributed until last Friday.

In Montgomery, Alabama, Black Lives Don’t Matter.  A 4-4 vote, mostly on racial lines, caused the ordinance’s defeat. Montgomery is in full crisis mode. As in carting out the dead en masse.  A must-read. Some things never change.

US States Have Spent Past Five Years Criminalizing Protest.  Mostly, but not exclusively, to stop pipeline protests. Isn’t that…unconstitutional?

The Latest Coronavirus Hot Spots.  Record spikes in Arizona, Florida, Alabama, and Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, the spikes are notable in Stillwater and, yes, Tulsa County. St. Petersburg, FL and Montgomery AL are in crisis stages.  Other new hot spots include Brevard County, FL (over half a million residents); Brazoria County, TX; Anderson County, TX (huge spike); and, last, but not least, we’re seeing a spike in Duval County, Florida, the purported future home of the Rethuglican National Convention.

State Senate Passes Symbolic–And Essentially Meaningless–Constitutional Amendment Forbidding Discrimination Based On Race Or Ethnicity.  It’s the first leg of the amendment, and it will be celebrated in political brochures throughout the state, even though it basically does nothing.  Creates the illusion of progress, though nothing changes. I’ve seen this movie before.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Got a late start on the news today — as in just now — while tending to my wife after her cataract surgery. So somebody help me out on this one

    Why do conservatives give a shit about Quaker Oats pulling the Aunt Jemima mammy mascot?

  2. RSE says:

    You know there is a history to why America eats the way it does, and it does involve the African American people.

    The colonists generally had a strictly English and European diet until the Revolution. After the revolution America switched to a more West African influenced diet.