Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Occasionally: Mid-June Edition

1. It’s Official: Scarane Vs. Coons.  Scarane has a puncher’s chance.  I think she needs to get the insurgent protest movement to coalesce around her candidacy.  They are motivated, and if they vote, she could win.   She’s doing her part, although her campaign would do well to not alienate prospective supporters.  Chris Coons became an insider the day he headed down to DC. He has displayed far more fealty to the lobbyists than to the people of our state.  At least Carper looked out for AMTRAK and the Postal Service.  Coons basically inserts gifts for lobbyists into bills. That’s it.  Reaching across the aisles.

2. And Then There Were Four. Republicans running for governor, that is.  Julianne ‘Stop The Carney-Age’ Murray joins State Sen. Bryant Richardson, Brew Pub Guy Neil Shea, and the still-mysterious David Bosco in the primary.  Murray strikes me as a nutcase:

Governor Carney has shown his true colors and used the tragedy of COVID-19 to take away the freedom and livelihoods of thousands of Delawareans.  We have been forced to stay home, our economy has been destroyed, restaurants and  small businesses have been decimated and the end is not in sight.

THE TIME IS NOW to STOP the madness that has been levied upon WE THE PEOPLE of Delaware.  Support Julianne Murray in her quest to give Delaware a FRESH START because she is NOT a career politician.  She will put her knowledge, skills and abilities to work for Delaware and help Delaware back into a State that is prosperous and free.

In other words, she’s perfectly situated to be the Rethug candidate for governor.  Which reminds me, I can’t stand the suspense. What will Scott Walker run for this year?  His driftwood signs just say ‘Scott’.

3. R Files For Insurance Commissioner–And Her Resume’s Not Bad.  Read for yourself.  Seems like a perfectly reasonable alternative to Trinidad Navarro, if he’s not your cuppacop. Let’s be honest–we voted for him b/c he wasn’t Karen Weldin Stewart.

4. Marble-Mouthed Sam Wilson Retiring? Looks that way.  There is now a two-way R primary in Sussex County Council District 2, and neither contestant is Sam Wilson.  Both Lisa Hudson Briggs and Sussex County Register Of Wills Cynthia Green have filed for the seat.   Former Phillies’ Manager Gene Mauch said it best, “Sometimes you add by subtracting.”

5. Rematch In RD 34.  Incumbent R Rep. Lyndon Yearick will once again face D Adewunmi Kuforiji.  I had viewed this as a possible sleeper race two years ago, but the D raised little money and did not have much visibility.  Kuforiji got over 40% of the vote, though, but he’ll definitely need to run a more aggressive campaign this time around. Not impossible, but I remain skeptical.

6. Filings.  I don’t think I have listed these before, but these days, I’m as confused as I’ve made you:  State Senator John Walsh (D-SD 9); Cop/Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf (D-RD 14); State Rep. David Bentz (D-RD 18); State Rep. Ed Osienski (D-RD 24); State Rep. Ruth Briggs King (R-RD 37).

That’s all I’ve got. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?  We’re into the last two weeks of virtual session.  We’ll soon hear of any retirements.  Anyone want to get out ahead of the official notices?

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