Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thurs., June 18, 2020

“Do Me A Favor, Though…”:  “…Buy our farmers’ stuff, and I’ll win the election and give you a sweetheart trade deal.”  Oh, and look the other way on those concentration camps.  Likely the biggest news out of the Bolton book. For some reason, Trump/Barr are trying to stop the book’s release, even though the salacious information is already out there.  I know it’s stating the obvious, but Bolton could have testified to all this, but chose not to.  All the better to maximize book sales.  Predictably, Trump goes off.

Coronavirus Firmly Planted In Trump Country. The latest hot spots:   Union County, OR. (almost all due to an outbreak at a Pentecostal church where nobody wears masksBoise, ID; Williamson County, TX, which features Sun City, Texas’ version of the Villages; and practically the entire state of Alabama.  A little schadenfreude from Arizona.

1.5 million Filed For Unemployment Last Week.  More than expected.

State Of Delaware Financial Projections ‘Less Bad’.  What a weird year.  The General Assembly session that wasn’t.  Although… we might finally get a ban on police chokeholds…actually the criminalization of police chokeholds.  Which is legit progress. Even the Unholy Trinity that controls the House D Caucus is on board.  Only because they dare not oppose it. 

What do you want to talk about?

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