DL Open Thread: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 23, 2020

Trump Suspends Work Visas, Pisses Off Chamber Of Commerce.  It makes no sense, but whaddaya expect?:

But the directive, which has been expected for several weeks, is fiercely opposed by business leaders, who say it will block their ability to recruit critically needed workers from countries overseas for jobs that Americans are not willing to do or are not capable of performing.

“This is a full-frontal attack on American innovation and our nation’s ability to benefit from attracting talent from around the world,” said Todd Schulte, the president of FWD.us, a pro-immigration group supported by technology companies.

“Putting up a ‘not welcome’ sign for engineers, executives, IT experts, doctors, nurses and other workers won’t help our country, it will hold us back,” said Thomas J. Donohue, the chief executive of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Restrictive changes to our nation’s immigration system will push investment and economic activity abroad, slow growth and reduce job creation.”

Who Is On Trump’s Campaign (S)Hit List?  Will Jared Survive?

It’s A Miracle…In Air Purification!  RWNJ pastors claim that Trump supporters have nothing to fear at today’s Trump church rally. For you science purists, here’s why the system won’t work:

Marr pictured two attendees at the Tuesday event, one infected with COVID-19 but not showing any symptoms, and the other healthy. In order for the air purification system to work, she said, the droplets coming from the infected person’s mouth would have to travel through the purification system before the healthy neighbor breathed them in — an unlikely feat in a large, crowded space.

COVID Rises Among The Thirty-Somethings.  Rethug govs express alarm, do nothing.  American coronavirus cases are up 32% in the past two weeks.  The new hot spots include Chatham County, GA, home of Savannah; Beaufort County, SC, home of Hilton Head; Grant County, WA. And Maricopa County, AZ?  Where Trump is holding that rally in that Pentecostal church? 1,754 cases daily over the past two weeks.  The latest sources for transmission–bars, strip clubs and churches.  Kids, if you go out on Saturday night, don’t go to church on Sunday. Especially in Florida (a must-read).

Millions Of Americans Can’t Even Afford Water.  Essential reporting from The Guardian. Read it. An excerpt:

Our research found that between 2010 and 2018 water bills rose by at least 27%, while the highest increase was a staggering 154% in Austin, Texas, where the average annual bill rose from $566 in 2010 to $1,435 in 2018 – despite drought mitigation efforts leading to reduced water usage.

Meanwhile, federal aid to public water utilities, which serve around 87% of people, has plummeted while maintenance, environmental and health threats, climate shocks and other expenditures have skyrocketed.

“A water emergency threatens every corner of our country. The scale of this crisis demands nothing short of a fundamental transformation of our water systems. Water should never be treated as commodity or a luxury for the benefit of the wealthy,” said water justice advocate Mary Grant from Food and Water Watch, reacting to the Guardian’s research.

Water is a necessity, and should be a right.

House Committee Passes Bill Outlawing Chokeholds.  House will consider the bill, along with this Constitutional Amendment, this week.  Both the Budget Bill and Bond Bill  have been introduced and are scheduled to be considered today in the Senate. (Guess it’s time to peruse that Epilog language…)  In fact, there’s a lengthy scheduled Senate agenda, including a couple of consent agendas.

What do you want to talk about?


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  1. Jason330 says:

    With our corona infection rates, I don’t think we’ll have to discourage Or restrict anyone from coming here.

  2. As I start scouring the Epilog Language, I see that Del-Tech is getting $600,000 more for a ‘New Nurse Development Program’. (p. 98). Del State? No new money for their nursing program.

  3. Sen. McDowell has taken care of his longtime friend John Byrne. See p. 102, lines 17-20. Remember, when something is underlined, it is a new expenditure. I like John Byrne, but this addition to the budget combined w/ the retirement of Sen. McDowell is not lost on me.

  4. puck says:

    “business leaders, who say it will block their ability to recruit critically needed workers from countries overseas for jobs that Americans are not willing to do or are not capable of performing.”

    …um, the Chamber needs to update their talking points. There are a lot of unemployed Americans just now.

  5. Lest you be concerned that the state isn’t throwing enough money at the chamber and other ‘non-public’ entities, Sections 117 thru 119 on pages 127-128 should allay your fears.

  6. No pay raise for school bus drivers–page 190, lines 11-15.

  7. Time to cast a jaundiced eye toward the Bond Bill…

    …Some habits die hard. Mayor Mike’s old stompin’ grounds, the Riverfront Development Corporation gets $3 mill. Presumably for whatever Buccini/Pollin wants to use it for.

    The Underground City At Fort DuPont gets over $2 mill, including some $300K in General Fund money. Is Dick Cathcart still managing that slush fund? Which reminds me: “Up to $300,000 of this appropriation may be utilized for the operations and administration of the redevelopment corporation.”

    BTW, this is as Delaware Way as it gets. The chair of the Fort DuPont Redevelopment Corporation is–wait for it–Bryon Short, former legislator and current lobbyist for the Delaware Contractors Association:


    BTWBTW, isn’t that Pamela Scott Paul Clark’s wife? Hey, at least Crabby Dick’s is represented.

    Casino bailouts to continue:

    “Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the Secretary of Finance may waive the 2020 thresholds for making qualified capital expenditures or investments contained in 81 Del. Laws, Ch.287.”

    As will complimentary prison labor:

    “Section 72. Community Restoration. The Department of Correction may, to the extent resources and appropriately classified offenders are available, direct these offenders to assist with community restoration projects. These projects may include beautification, clean up and restoration efforts requested by civic, governmental and fraternal organizations approved by the Commissioner.” Fraternal organizations? Like the FOP perhaps? Do the offenders at least get to play the video poker machines?

  8. jason330 says:

    Hopefully this is the first of many “Trump Campaign in Complete Disarray” type stories:

    “Brad really shit the bed Saturday night. You have to remember, execution is 95% of presidential politics,” a Republican close to the White House told me over the weekend. Parscale committed a cascade of errors, from overhyping expected turnout to blaming the half-filled arena on protesters. Trump was so furious when he saw how thin the crowd was that he threatened to not go onstage, two sources briefed on the discussions told me. The sources said that Parscale, reading the tea leaves, is planning to step down. “He knows he can’t survive,” one source told me.

    Another report has Trump now referring to Parscale as “the website guy”, which sounds very much like the end.

    Who next? Hope it’s Kushner.