DL Open Thread: Monday, July 13, 2020
How Trump Enables Delaware’s Montaire And Its Tycoon Owner To Exploit Workers. An absolute must-read. For every single Delaware legislator and, of course, for Delaware’s semi-comatose governor. This. Is. Unconscionable. Including, of course, how Montaire went after the union. BTW, this is something that never makes it into the Delaware media. Well, we’re part of the Delaware media, and you must read this piece.
Florida Tallies Over 15,000 New Covid Cases On The Same Day That Disney World Reopens. A one-day record for any state during the pandemic. DeSantis is toxic to all of Florida.
Trump Vs. Fauci. Trump needs to find someone else to blame. People aren’t gonna buy him throwing Fauci under the bus. Fauci is now unencumbered of any responsibility to cover Trump’s ‘yu-u-u-ge’ butt.
Trump Claims Private Border Wall ‘Was Only Done To Make Me Look Bad’. Which, presumably, is why his Administration rewarded the builder (and Trump supporter) with a $1.7 billion contract to build even more bad wall.
Supporters Claim Trump Wearing A Mask Clinches Election For Him. I prefer this analysis:
This is like putting up a huge sign on the White House lawn that says “Days Without an Accident: 1.”
The Mask Makers Are Getting Sick. Another story you didn’t expect to read.
Federal Executions Are Back! Because getting Covid while in prison isn’t enough.
What do you want to talk about?
Leakers Leaking Meadows’ Plan To Catch Leakers:
From the sourcing — someone “familiar with Meadows’ thinking” — it seems to be Meadows himself.
If it is, it saves him the trouble of having to actually plant false stories.