DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 16, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 16, 2020

Georgia Governor Sentences Residents To Death. Bans municipalities and counties from enforcing mask requirements. Are we back in April?  Are all these Rethug governors engaged in a contest to see who can kill the most of their residents?  Unconscionable behavior.

If Trump Loses Ohio By One Vote, Here’s Why.  He listened to Trump, not the scientists.

Trump WH Conducting Massive Loyalty Interviews.  Did Putin give Trump the questions?  3 1/2 years in, a pandemic raging, and this is what the White House focuses on.

Police Tactics Escalated Tensions In Protest Confrontations.  An absolute must-read and must-see.  An analysis of police tactics in several instances.

How To Handle A Pandemic.  I like this idea. With a new President, maybe it can be done.

The Washington Code Talkers? Yes. Absolutely yes.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Lots of stories like the freedom loving Ohio guy.

    Gotta own the libs at all costs!

  2. All Seeing says:

    El Somnambulo is always on the money but I see the GOP Govs especially GA, are committing genocide with this mask order. He should be brought before the United Nations on “CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY” in his order of no masks. He is trying to kill Blacks & Browns before the election plain and simple. Republicans are trying to hold on to power “by any means necessary” to retain power. I have heard of power at any price but using the pandemic to retain it is unconscionable. Tell me what you think?