Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 18, 2020

RIP: John LewisSimply put, one of the greatest Americans to ever walk among us.  From civil rights hero to congressional giant.

Trump, DHS Taking Fascism ‘National’.  If you haven’t paid attention to what’s going on in Portland, Oregon, you simply must.  Rather than heed calls to withdraw, Ken Cuccinelli, who would never have a job in a legitimate administration, claims that this is just the beginning. Secret police? Unmarked vans?  Innocent people rounded up? This is Fascism.  Just read this interview, and see if Cuccinelli answers a single question directly–despite being pressed time and time again by the interviewer.  As for Trump’s fascist enforcer, here’s all you need to know

Delaware’s Most Unethical Manipulate Election Laws For Their Own Benefit.  Dizzying and devoid of any genuine concern for the public interest.  The Potter Posse doing what they do best, trying to game the system for their own gain.  I don’t see this working out well for them.  Rysheema Dixon was having no part of this sleazy game of musical chairs:

I am deeply troubled and dismayed by the undemocratic actions taken today by some of our City’s so-called leaders abusing a loophole in our law that needs to be closed. When it became clear what was transpiring, rather than being an unwitting party, I chose to remove my name from consideration for Council President and return to run for my current seat as an At-large member of City Council. I remain concerned with the direction of city council, but the actions taken today were not made with Wilmingtonians’ best interests at heart…

Time to change the law.  BTW, Ken Boulden’s hand-picked successor will have a primary challenge for Clerk Of The Peace. Aja Ajavon flipped from NCC County Council President race to the Clerk of the Peace contest.

Supreme Court Puts Kibosh On Trump Rope-A-Dope.  They’re sick of his bullshit, too.

White House: CDC Can’t Testify About Safely Reopening Schools.  Can’t let science get in the way of Trump’s so-called economic recovery.  Kids, teachers and family are merely collateral damage.

Another Disastrous Day On The COVID Front.  Careful readers will note that the so-called White House Task Force did not release the following (it was leaked):

The outbreak is so widespread that 18 states have been placed in a so-called red zone because they have more than 100 new cases per 100,000 people per week, according to an unpublished report distributed this week by the White House coronavirus task force, which urged many states to take stricter steps to contain the spread.

The states — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah — constitute more than a third of the country.

The report on the red zone was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit newsroom based in Washington, and was later obtained by The New York Times.

Just a normal day in Bizarro World.  What do you want to talk about?

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