DL Open Thread: Monday, July 20, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 20, 2020

Trump, Rethugs Look To Decimate Aid Bill.  Seek to double down on stuff people hate.

Mike Pompeo: Even Sleazier Than We Knew. No wonder Pompeo fired the IG post-haste.

Trump’s Bat-Shit Crazy Interview With Chris Wallace. The most ridiculous comments. He. Is. Mentally. Ill:

Let Biden sit through an interview like this,” Trump said to Wallace in the Fox News Sunday interview. “He’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say, ‘Mommy, mommy, please take me home.’” The sitting president added of Biden: “He can’t do an interview. He’s incompetent.”

Shortly thereafter, Trump asserted: “Joe doesn’t know he’s alive, okay? He doesn’t know he’s alive. Do the American people want that?”

Family Of Latina Federal Judge Shot In New Jersey.  An assassin masquerading as a delivery driver. 

Big-Time Financial Consultants Reaped About $37 Mill In Forgivable Federal Loans.  The cumulative stealing of these funds by corporations who had no business getting one red penny of Fed funds is depressing.

Report: Secret Fed Troops In Portland Are Border And Customs Agents.  Protecting the border between Oregon and Washington State, no doubt. Guess the Columbia River isn’t what it once was. Great journalism from The Nation. Consider a subscription.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Seriously. How can Republicans not see the dystopian reality that Trump is actively creating?

  2. Alby says:

    Reagan demonstrated that the country has no problem being led by a senile figurehead — provided that senile figurehead is amiable, affable and positive in outlook.

    • puck says:

      “Reagan demonstrated that the country has no problem being led by a senile figurehead — provided that senile figurehead is amiable, affable and positive in outlook makes all the right noises about cutting taxes for the rich and gutting regulations for corporations.”

      Without COVID, Trump would be a good bet for re-election.

  3. RSE says:

    Maybe someone can explain to me why Delaware wants people to get tested for COVID19 even if you don’t have symptoms, and yes I know you can have the virus and not have symptoms.

    I mean, are you supposed to get tested every day or something? You can get tested and the results are negative, and five minuses later you go out and contract the virus.
    Like I said, are you supposed to get tested every day?…Once a week? They’re not talking antibody tests.

    • jason330 says:

      Dear Dummy,

      It is to increase the overall # of cases because we all know that increased testing causes cases.

    • Ben says:

      you answered your own question, moron. if you test positive and have no symptoms, you can stop spreading it around. Are you really such a fucking dimwit that you jump right to “WhAt Am i SpOse tO Get CONSTANTLY tEsTeD?”
      fucking christ i cant beleive the world is falling to you people.

      Your Daddy is the reason there arent more resources for antibody testing. if you had a brain, you’d also understand that antibodies only stay in the body for a few weeks.
      fuck you’re dumb.

      • RSE says:

        I got it, you recommend the one time test. What if you test negative and contract the virus the same day or a day later, or a week later? Should we get tested every day, once per week? You seem extremely confident in your knowledge, yet you still give no answer.

        • Alby says:

          I gave you one below.

          If they are legitimate questions and you’re seriously interested in the answers, I would suggest calling the state agency involved.

  4. Alby says:

    “You can get tested and the results are negative, and five minuses later you go out and contract the virus.”

    I think the idea is that you’re supposed to take steps to prevent contact with people who have active cases. That is, the people who DO test positive are supposed to stay home for 14 days.

    If you test negative, you’re supposed to keep wearing a mask, social distancing and avoid large gatherings, especially indoors.

    If you have a job that exposes you to a lot of people, yes, you probably should have yourself tested every week or so.

    Does that help?

    • RSE says:

      No, because I already realize what you are saying, and it still doesn’t answer to the frequency of the tests.
      I guess what I can take away from this, is that one test is better than no tests?

      • Alby says:

        You can take away from it whatever you like. The fact that you’re asking the questions here instead of going to the proper outlets shows that this is performative bullshit. Fuck off.

  5. bamboozer says:

    Get tested as needed, especially if your at risk as I am. Better to know.