Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Monday, July 20, 2020

Trump, Rethugs Look To Decimate Aid Bill.  Seek to double down on stuff people hate.

Mike Pompeo: Even Sleazier Than We Knew. No wonder Pompeo fired the IG post-haste.

Trump’s Bat-Shit Crazy Interview With Chris Wallace. The most ridiculous comments. He. Is. Mentally. Ill:

Let Biden sit through an interview like this,” Trump said to Wallace in the Fox News Sunday interview. “He’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say, ‘Mommy, mommy, please take me home.’” The sitting president added of Biden: “He can’t do an interview. He’s incompetent.”

Shortly thereafter, Trump asserted: “Joe doesn’t know he’s alive, okay? He doesn’t know he’s alive. Do the American people want that?”

Family Of Latina Federal Judge Shot In New Jersey.  An assassin masquerading as a delivery driver. 

Big-Time Financial Consultants Reaped About $37 Mill In Forgivable Federal Loans.  The cumulative stealing of these funds by corporations who had no business getting one red penny of Fed funds is depressing.

Report: Secret Fed Troops In Portland Are Border And Customs Agents.  Protecting the border between Oregon and Washington State, no doubt. Guess the Columbia River isn’t what it once was. Great journalism from The Nation. Consider a subscription.

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