DL Open Thread: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 21, 2020

Chris Tigani, The Bidens, And The Delaware Way.  Read it, critically.  Tigani portrays himself as the victim.  Yes, the Bidens are part of ‘The Delaware Way’. As is every Delawarean in this article, including Norman Veasey, who could have made a difference, but chose to give the casually-corrupt politicos a pass.

Fascism Comes To American Cities, And The Response Is…Muted.  Seriously, why isn’t everyone screaming from the rooftops?  Unidentified federal interlopers taking people off the streets of this country.  THIS IS NEITHER NORMAL NOR ACCEPTABLE. Except…to accept it normalizes it.  I KNOW there’s a shitload of other Trump feints facing us, but we can’t countenance fascism:

DHS derives its authority to deploy in Portland — and presumably New York — from an executive order Trump signed last month. That order, offered in response to incidents in which protests led to vandalism of government buildings or the toppling of public monuments, claimed that “Anarchists and left-wing extremists have sought to advance a fringe ideology that paints the United States of America as fundamentally unjust and have sought to impose that ideology on Americans through violence and mob intimidation.”

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Gotta love Politico’s Bullshit Clickbait headline.

    Headline: ISSUES!
    Body: No issues.

  2. puck says:

    Unmarked commandos should be arrested by municipal police. Deputize protesters if necessary.

  3. Jim C says:

    Time to decertify police unions. If a RepubliCON like Scott Walker can do it, any democratic led state ought to be doing the same thing!

  4. You are just now noticing the fascism? Really? Where were you in the 80’s when we started militarizing local police?

  5. All Seeing says:

    El Somnambulo’s in-depth kick-ass article is the Cat’s Meo. Love it and keep it coming. That national memo on Sen Ron Johnson is a true piss cutter. Keep it up with the national reports. The Villages in Florida (largest Senior Community) in America is infected and I don’t see how the Republicans can make any play to keep FLA in the GOP colum. Florida is lost and they can’t win the presidentcy and that brings us back to the happenings in Oregon. They think they can test market this take-over of Democratic cities to steal elections. No can do.

  6. bamboozer says:

    Fascism and an authoritarian state are as mothers milk unto the Republicans, hard to believe the idiots are pushing the truly pathetic “Obamagate” game and the eternally pathetic “Deepstate” stupidity. The real fun comes in November when regardless of the returns Trump will challenge the election and the Republicans will fall in line and back him. To the barricades my brothers? Count me in as ever. Stan…. New photo required bro.