Post-Filing Ruminations

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 21, 2020

A couple of random thoughts following last week’s madness featuring Bait-And-Switch Friday:

1. The Potter Family Is In Checkmate.  A breathless headline on another site proclaims “The Potter Family Must Be Stopped”.  Hello, is this mike on?  The Potter family has already stopped itself.  Velda Potter abandoned her run for reelection as Wilmington’s treasurer after Mayor Mike found a heavyweight to challenge her.  She winds up in a three-way primary for mayor with Purzycki and Justen Wright. You do the math. That’s one less Potter leeching off the public teat. Charles Potter first enters the primary for the House seat he previously held, then abandons that race for a run for Councilman-At-Large in a field that features three incumbents.  After much maneuvering, Potter acolyte Trippi Congo ends up in a one-on-one race with Hanifa Shabazz for Wilmington City Council President. Rysheema Dixon’s abandonment of that race makes Shabazz the likely winner. I think the Potters are checkmated.

2. The Savviest Deadline Move. I flat-out love this.  You will recall my calling-out of the perfidious move made by Ken Boulden at the filing deadline.  A move designed to put his choice in for the cushy position of Clerk Of The Peace with no notice to the electorate. Not so fast, my friend.  In yet another Friday switcheroo, Aja Ajavon, who likely was going nowhere in her bid for NCC Council President, instead filed for the Clerk of the Peace race, meaning that not only will Boulden’s choice have to run, but she has the added disadvantage of having an opponent who has been campaigning countywide running against her. I’m voting for Ajavon on general principles.  BTW, Boulden running for that state rep seat was merely a fig leaf for the orderly takeover of the Clerk Of The Peace slot. With that no longer operative, Boulden quietly dropped out of the race for the 8th Rep contest.

3. Rethugs Endorse Julianne Murray For Governor.  Lest you think that this is a nod towards sanity, a brief glimpse at her website will disabuse you of that notion.  Her entire campaign is about government control taking away people’s freedoms to recklessly endanger and infect others.

4. What Happened To That Challenge From An Appo Board Member To Sen. Ennis?  I know that there is already a three-way, but I thought that Michelle Wall was in. Anyone know what happened?


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  1. mediawatch says:

    Saw a large Ajavon for Council President sign on 202 this morning. No idea how many she might have around the county, but her campaign treasurer may well be telling her that haste makes waste.

  2. Kent says:

    Michelle Wall decided not to run for the Senate seat after all and is just seeking re election to school board. My guess is she will run when Ennis likely retires when everyone is up in 2022. If anyone remembers, she sought endorsement of the Republican committee of NCC for the 10th senate seat that BHL vacated back in 2017. She is an opportunist.

    • There’s risk in that approach. First, Ennis might not get reelected this year. If he does, there’s no telling what that district will look like after redistricting.

      Especially if there are changes in Senate leadership, which I consider more likely than not.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Find it hard to believe Ennis will not be reelected, being a long time resident of the district I can assure there have been some changes made, and I think for the better. The crusty crud that lives on the back roads is in the process of an old Boomer die off, the people that are moving in are not like what went before and are not conservative per se. There has been much hand wringing over the years about Ennis and his district, as noted by many he is not a bad man at all, but a new face would be welcomed.

  4. C says:

    Aja said she was running for all these serious reasons and to make real change. She had a good platform. Dropping out of a real job to run for a fake job (that pays double and shouldn’t even exist) is not noble. Hopefully the GA will eliminate these fake row office jobs and let the county government take over their functions.

    • El Somnambulo says:

      Didn’t say it was noble, said it was savvy. And it smelled far better than what Boulden and Darrah tried to pull off. Besides, you know what? Council President is little more than a glorified council position.

      Someone’s gonna make over $80 K a year. Why not go for it?

  5. C says:

    Get rid of glorified/fake jobs. Obviously small $ in the grand scope, but it’s a bad look to have jobs that everyone knows are not really needed.