DL Open Thread: Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 22, 2020

Trump To Pardon Sexual Predator?  Hey, they all had some good times together in Palm Beach.  If it’s in his head, he’ll say it.  Ghislaine Maxwell is in his head.  I’ll say it: She has more than a little something on him. Remember, he’s a serial sexual predator too. It’d be like pardoning himself.

Trump To His Ambassador To Britain: Get Me The British Open At My Scotland Golf Course.  Yes, it’s a blatant misuse of his office for his own financial gain.  Under any other president…here is a great compendium of his blatant unethical use of the office for his own business gains–it’s a long list.

Trump Turns Homeland Security Inward.  He’s running against the ’60’s and his ads are turning ominous.  What remains of our democracy is at stake. Here’s what the first Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge had to say:

“It was not established to be the president’s personal militia,” Ridge said.

“It would be a cold day in hell before I would consent to a unilateral, uninvited intervention into one of my cities,” he added, “and I wish the president would take a more collaborative approach toward fighting this lawlessness than the unilateral approach he’s taken.”

WH, Congressional Rethugs In Disarray Over Stimulus Package.  Gee, they could always pass the Heroes’ Act, which has been sitting on McConnell’s desk for two months.

Massive Ohio Bribery Scheme Ensnares Speaker of the House.  Yes, he’s a Rethug.  It’s all about bailing out the owner of two failing nuclear power plants. 

Guess Who Got A PPP Bailout–The Church Of Scientology.  And, yes, there are Trump ties to the organization. 

ALEC Crafts Bill Protecting Corporations From Liability.  ALEC is corporate evil writ large. 

Last Gasp To End Florida Disenfranchisement: Pay off ex-felons’ debts. Can we once again thank Chris Coons for deep-sixing voter protections because Maureen Faulkner and some fucking cops met with him, and because Chris blew up the nomination of the single person best qualified in the entire country to battle voter discrimination?  For this alone, any D who believes in voting rights should vote for Jess Scarane and against this relentless self-promoter.

Company That Befouled Delaware Communities Seeks Permission To Befoul Even More.  Croda, the company that shut down the Delaware Memorial Bridge and, more importantly, spewed poison into adjacent communities.  This company defines environmental racism at its worst, aided and abetted by Carney and his DNREC milquetoasts.  Because, you know, jobs. So. A few hundred people, mostly minorities, get cancer?  In Delaware, the powers-that-be don’t give a fuck.

Man,  some days, the headlines are more dystopic than others. This is one of those days.

What do you want to talk about?

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