Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thursday, July 23, 2020

Feds Tear-Gas Portland Mayor. Of course, the Portland cops had tear-gassed the protestors for weeks before he finally deigned to show up at a protest. Here is a lot more on the ‘secret force’ occupying Portland. This is Nixon in 1968, except the protests have largely been peaceful, and Trump is fomenting violence for his reelection.  (Of course, we now know that Nixon was quietly fomenting violence amid peaceful protests as well.)  Trump is literally destroying the social order to get reelected. We are living through the darkest days in the history of the American presidency.

NYPD Dumped BLM Peaceful Protestors Into NYC Jails For Days. Legally. Time to change the laws.  The NYPD is a public menace.

Where Will Climate Refugees Go?  Let’s face it. Climate change will cause people to move in order to survive. Pro Publica and the NYTimes team up to model what may happen.  Essential reporting.

1.4 Million Unemployment Claims Last Week.  Up from previous weeks.  The economy’s not coming back stronger than ever.

UD Plans ‘Virtual’ SemesterDelaware Public School Teachers Call For Remote Reopening.  Recognizing the inevitable: Life doesn’t return to something approaching normality until there’s a vaccine and until people are vaccinated.  Hey, at least traffic won’t suck.

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