DL Open Thread: Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 11, 2020

Kentuckians Angry That Moscow Mitch Has Absented Himself From Relief Negotiations.  He could go down in a blue tsunami.

Mark Meadows Basically Blew Up Relief Negotiations.  Pelosi thinks he’s Mnuchin’s ‘enforcer’.  The D’s, of course, had already caved, going from $3 trillion to $2 trillion.  Does that mean that any new negotiation starts at $2 trillion and goes south? Probably. 

Why Is Gov. Cuomo Covering Up For Nursing Homes?  Nursing homes dumped patients into hospitals to die.

Judge: Uber And Lyft Drivers Are Employees, Not Independent Contractors.  A great victory. Why do I think it’s fleeting?

Delaware Dedicates $40 Mill To Provide Mortgage And Rental Assistance. Kudos to everybody involved.  Getting money directly to those who need it most.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Uber and Lyft: Skeptical because they will now venue shop and look for a sympathetic court, this goes on all the time and makes a mockery of the “Justice system” that is anything but.

  2. Big 10 Pulls Plug On College Football This Fall:


    First Power-5 conference to do so. PAC 12 expected to follow suit shortly. Who knows what the $EC will do…

    • Alby says:

      The idea that we won’t pay these kids but we will risk their lives shows that “college” football deserves to die on moral grounds alone.

      I especially like that fuckstick kapos like that QB from wherever, expected to be a high draft choice, is all in favor of playing. Yo, fuckface, you gonna pay their hospital bills and survivor benefits out of your signing bonus? Didn’t think so.

      This year will set a record — fewest head injuries in a season — that will never be broken.