Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Thursday, August 13, 2020

Highest Day Of US Covid Deaths Since May.  So, let’s reopen schools and let’s encourage the football powers to play this fall. Florida sheriff bans mask use by deputies. The Florida governor…well, just read it for yourselves.

Rethugs Fall In Line Behind QAnon Candidate.  With one exception, who gets blistered by Trump.

Postmaster General Removing Sorting Machines.  He is sabotaging our post office. Where is the outrage? Have we just reached the point where we are immune to the sabotaging of our most important institutions?

The Essential Kamala Harris Reading Guide.  These articles, in totality, paint a vivid picture of a complicated and accomplished woman.

The Infuriating Power Of Police Unions. A must-read (know your enemy):

Police unions, like all unions, were designed to protect their own. But unlike other labor unions, they represent workers with the state-sanctioned power to use deadly force. And they have successfully bargained for more job security than what’s afforded to most workers, security they can often rely on even after committing acts of violence that would likely get anyone else fired or locked up.

And yet, in the broader push to reform the criminal justice system, police unions have remained largely untouchable, both by the broader labor movement, which has avoided criticizing their bargaining process, and by politicians on both sides of the aisle, who have accepted millions of dollars in campaign donations from them. Democrats don’t want to come down against unions, and Republicans, who are normally happy to attack unions, don’t want to mess with the police. When former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker destroyed collective bargaining rights for his state’s public sector unions in 2011, he left police unions mostly unscathed. The AFL-CIO, the country’s largest labor coalition, has referred to police unions as rightful beneficiaries in the movement for workers’ rights.

Assad In Trouble In Syria?  Detailed reporting on the intersection between money, power and family that now threatens Assad’s power.

The Biden-Harris Rollout. I just have one question: Why AI DuPont High School? Back in the days before charter schools, Harris McDowell used to refer to AI as ‘Delaware’s only private public high school’,  and he was correct. I would have looked for a more symbolically-resonant location for the rollout, but that’s just me.

What do you want to talk about?

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