Be Prepared. #Gen­er­al­Strike

Filed in National by on August 16, 2020
  • Stop Working
  • Stop Buying
  • Empty your Bank and Investment Accounts
  • Be Prepared

With Trump openly saying that he is planning to steal the election, Americans need to be prepared to shut the economy down completely if that happens.

We’ll need unionized and non-unionized workers alike to take part. This cannot be outsourced.  Blue collar and white collar workplaces must participate.   Everyone who claims to love the country will be needed to stop another illegitimate term by Trump.  The front line of this fight is your front door.    

Our economic activity is our leverage and all economic activity must grind to a halt across entire communities.  Stocks are the only measure of economic well-being that matters to policy makers – so the stocks prices must collapse. Everyone must answer another fraudulent election with a wholesale vote of no-confidence by removing there labor and their dollars from this economy.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. This blog is trash says:

    American Bolsheviks, commonly known as Democrats, are already laying the ground work to destabilize the country if Trump wins re-election. Similar to the Russia hoax where liberals are being prosecuted and investigated, they are already pushing conspiracies about voter suppression via USPS. There is no cooperative future possible with these extremists. The only hope is they are labeled subversive extremists, they are investigated by domestic agencies, and finally routed out.

    • Alby says:

      Little tiny conservative waves his inadequate 3-inch dick. An old story.

      “There is no cooperative future possible with these extremists.”

      Exactly. Which is why we will be exterminating your kind. Run, little man, as fast as your pasty white ass will carry you.

      • jason330 says:

        Sadly, Biden and the Dem establishment is only too willing to accommodate extremist like out new buddy here.

        That’s why widespread civil, economic and interpersonal disobedience is probably going to be called for.

        Be prepared.

      • Trash blog says:

        You can’t climb stairs without risking a cardiac event lol. You’ll need to outsource the exterminating.

        • Alby says:

          Keep thinking that. It isn’t hard to find out where you are from your IP address. We’ll be coming for you, limpdick.

          • Trash Blog says:

            I’ve seen you in real life- fat and sloppy. The “men” associated with deldems are a joke. In quotes because that term is debatable. Please come deliver on your threat and livestream it while you do.

            • Alby says:

              Fat, sloppy, and with a good eye and steady hand.

              Come by the house sometime and see.

              Why is it that you frightened little “men” think you can hang with your intellectual superiors? Tis an everlasting mystery.

              If you’re so brave, include your address, and I’ll come to you at your convenience.

      • NotSocialistDem says:

        Your a nasty POS. Please go back to the socialist party.

  2. jason330 says:

    Saving these idiots from themselves is going to be a full time job.

    • Alby says:

      They’re scared shitless, and rightfully so. But because they are so full of shit, it will take a while for it all to spew out.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Today Trump said that the election will be illegitimate if we doesn’t win.

    Be prepared.