Be Prepared No. 2 #Generalstrike

Filed in National by on August 18, 2020

Believe Trump when he says that he will burn the country down before accepting the verdict of voters.  On top of that transparency, we have a Democratic Party that is giving Trump and opening by running the always terrible “50% plus 1, Chase the Moderates” strategy.   

When the time comes: 

  • Stop Working
  • Stop Buying
  • Empty your Accounts (stack up cash) 
  • Be Prepared

How it will probably go down via Slate:

It is the late evening of Nov. 3, 2020—Election Day. The race is tight. It’s come down to the three states that President Donald Trump barely won in 2016: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Most in-person votes have been counted, and Trump holds a small lead in each state. But there are millions of mail-in ballots that election officials have not yet processed. Hundreds of thousands of voters dropped their ballots in the mail days ago, but they haven’t been received. Meanwhile, thousands of ballots that were mailed in time have been rejected due to alleged technical defects. The outcome of the election turns on all these outstanding votes. But Trump, on the basis of the results so far, declares victory and dismisses the remaining mail-in ballots as fraudulent and illegitimate. The Republican-controlled legislatures of all three states agree, assigning their electoral votes to the president. Trump has secured a second term in the White House.  


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    Stories like this are like science fiction: They’re highly speculative.

    It is equally likely that the election is a rout. Based on where things stand now, I would place both outcomes on opposite sides of the downslope on the bell curve of probabilities.

    Neither Michigan nor Pennsylvania is within reach for Trump. In Wisconsin, using every voter-suppression tactic in their power, Republicans lost an election for a Supreme Court justice. I think a lot more people will be motivated to vote against Trump than against a Republican on the state Supreme Court.

    I expect Republicans to steal Florida and Ohio, simply because those states have a track record of doing so. They might also have to steal Texas and Georgia. Because Arizona also looks out of reach for Trump, none of that will be enough to get him to 270. If they have to challenge results in more than one state, it will be obvious he can’t win. Any resistance after that will be a coup, and we’ll be in Civil War territory; I don’t think the Republicans are really willing to destroy their party for all time to keep this turd in the White House.

  2. jason330 says:

    “I don’t think the Republicans are really willing to destroy their party for all time to keep this turd in the White House.”

    I’ve stopped being surprised by what Republicans can tolerate.

    • Ben says:

      seriously. that is some Biden-level naivety regarding what the GOP will do.
      Dems have absorbed the 16 or so republicans on earth that can be pried away at the expense of 10s of thousands of progressives. The party IS trump now. they can either stick with it and join the Junta (something this Cristo-fascists have always wanted) or they can ….. lose their spot on the gravy train. no question which way they go.
      Alby, you drag me for being gloomy, but methinks your rose colored glasses are a bit too tinted.

      • Alby says:

        I laid out the probabilities.

        The Republicans will have to make up their minds — live to fight another day or spark a second Civil War. I believe they will do the former, not because they are smart but because they are cowardly. Also because this whole centrist-pandering exercise isn’t about changing votes, it’s about changing Republican minds about whether it’s better to take manageable losses to an establishment Democrat or commit mass suicide.

        Certainly the latter is possible. I just don’t think it’s as likely as the former.

  3. Ben says:

    ” and we’ll be in Civil War territory; ”
    I think you’re beginning to finally understand.