Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Tuesday, June 18, 2020

The First Night. So Much Punditry. My take is as meaningless as everyone else’s. Except for yours. What did you think? OK, gotta say, Michelle Obama is one of the greatest public speakers in our nation’s history. Can we all agree on that?

Meanwhile, Look Who Will Speak At The Rethug Convention. I cannot make this up. Plus:

First lady Melania Trump and the president’s adult children — Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump — are also slated to speak.

Mass. D Party Chair Directed Students To Destroy Records Proving Conspiracy Against Progressive Challenger.  If there’s any justice, Rep. Neal is going down.

Trump Announces Plans To Despoil Arctic Refuge.  Leases to be signed before Trump leaves office. Every day is worse than the day before.

The Markells Beg Voters To Reelect Chris Coons.  Corporadems of a feather stick together.  This makes me wanna puke.

Delaware ACLU Chapter Calls For Major Probation Reforms.  Probation ‘violations’ are just another form of racism in many cases.  I like these proposed changes.

What do you want to talk about?

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