DL Open Thread: Weds., August 19, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 19, 2020

Brandywine High School Undeniable Star Of Night 2!  OK, I’m an alumnus and, yes, I can still sing the alma mater.  My take on Night 2–we saw far too many Delaware politicos tonight.  Mediocrity times 4.  Thumbs up for the roll call and Jill’s speech, though.

Senate Report:  Contact Between Trump, Manafort And Russia Was Pervasive.  To me, what’s newsworthy is the extent to which criminality, OK, call it what it is, treason has been normalized. Oh, and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher was unmasked as a traitor in the report.

Anderson Cooper Vs. My Pillow Guy.  No wonder Trump loves Mike Lindell: Both are relentless scam artists. Relentless. Each pushing a phony Covid cure.  ‘How do you sleep at night?’ indeed. A train wreck you don’t want to miss. Trust me.

Postmaster General Says Post Office Slowdown Is On Hold. As you might suspect from a big-bucks Trump donor-turned Postmaster General, it’s a lie.

D’s To Reassess Vote-By-Mail Strategy.  Will place more emphasis on drop boxes and early voting. 

Rethugs Whine That Trump Has Destroyed Conservatism.  Spare me.  Rethuglicans have exploited racial resentment since Nixon. It has been their dominant theme.  Campaign after campaign. Now they’re upset that Trump has said out loud what they couched in code words? Fuck ’em.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Ben says:

    3 cheers for Ol Brandywine. you bring the brandy, i’ll bring the wine. send the sophomores out for gin and dont let the sober freshman in

    Bill Clinton is a gross fuckwit and shouldnt have been anywhere near the convention.

    • That’s the, um, unofficial Alma Mater. The real thing?:

      Brandywine, we sing to thee
      hymns of praise and loyalty.

      Sons and daughters stanch and true
      follow ‘neath the white and blue.

      Forth we march to bring thee fame
      spirits light and hearts aflame
      Rich in truth we’ll ever be
      Brandywine, we SING TO THEE.

  2. Alby says:

    Stuart Stevens, longtime GOP campaign op, is making the rounds promoting his new book excoriating his party, It Was All a Lie. Politico has an interesting interview:


    • meatball says:

      Just relistened to his interview on Fresh Air. Dudes a total dirt bag and its pretty clear he is unrepentant despite him saying the opposite. Just another jerk with his finger in the air to cash in on right wing welfare.