Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Friday, August 21, 2020

‘An Ally Of The Light, Not The Darkness’.  That’s sure a more compelling theme than ‘America is great, we can make it even greater’.  It’s also the stark choice we face. Trump’s base is the darkness. Which we’ll see next week. Biden’s best speech. Dare I say it, a great speech.  The night’s other hero? Brayden Harrington. That kid has guts.   I’m not sure that the Democrats could have gotten any more out of this convention.

Moscow Mitch And The ‘Proxy For The Kremlin’.  United Co. Rusal, which has invested heavily in an aluminum mill in eastern Kentucky:

Rusal’s decision to invest in Braidy’s mill was announced in April 2019, a few months after the federal government lifted the sanctions against the Russian firm. Several Democrats in Congress quickly expressed concern about the planned investment.

The U.S. Senate voted down a measure opposing the plan to end the sanctions against Rusal and EN+ Group in January 2019. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as Sen. Rand Paul, both Kentucky Republicans, voted against that attempt to keep the sanctions in place.

The Kentucky Democratic Party on Wednesday questioned McConnell’s decision to support lifting the sanctions on Rusal, in light of the Senate Intelligence Committee report’s identification of Rusal as a proxy for the Kremlin.

Louis DeJoy Made His Bones With Firm With Long Record Of Racism, Harassment And Abuse.  No wonder Trump loves him. Wish I could watch that hearing today.

Wanna Know All About The ‘We Build The Wall’ Scandal? Read This.  This fills in many of the blanks, including the rogues’ gallery behind this:

We Build the Wall is an influential conservative nonprofit whose board members include immigration hard-liners such as former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach. The group solicited donations to help Trump fulfill his campaign promise of building a wall along the southern border.

Scam artists all.

News-Journal Staffers Win Right To Unionize.  A few decades too late.

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