DL Open Thread: Saturday, August 22, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 22, 2020

How Biden Could Still Lose. Opinion from an anti-Trump Republican. 

How Trump And Sonny Perdue Screwed Georgia Farmers. I almost feel sorry for them. But they voted for him. Probably will again.

We Hardly Knew ‘Ye.  Kanye West bounced from Wisconsin and Ohio ballots.

Bannon And His Billionaire Chinese Yacht Pal Apparently Tried To Create Chinese Government In Exile.  Including yet another scamming of investors.

DeJoy Won’t Reinstall 600 Mail Sorting Machines.  Just take a look at where they were. 10 pages of removals.  Tell me again that there is no political motive behind this. The House is poised to pass a $25 billion post office relief package today.  Trump has threatened a veto. What will Mitch (not) do?

To paraphrase Tom Carper, what the fuck do you want to talk about?


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  1. I missed this one: Arizona Senator McSally asks supporters to fast, and send her the cost of a meal as a contribution:


    Stick a, pardon the expression, fork in her campaign.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The effort to hobble and discredit the post office is ongoing, perhaps it will grow more stealthy but that is all. DeJoy is a poor liar at best, and the truth is the Republicans have wanted the end of the post office as we know it for decades.