Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Monday, August 24, 2020

Kellyanne And George Conway Depart The Political Scene.  Apparently their kids, most of them anyway, need them.  One of the kids has been on Twitter criticizing both of her parents.  Wants AOC to adopt her.

Trump: God Killed 160,000 To Test Me:

We achieved together and what we’re doing together is nothing short of an economic miracle and now we’re doing it again. We did it, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world and now I have to do it again. You know what that is? That’s right, that’s God testing me. He said, “You know, you did it once,” and I said, “Did I do a great job, God? I’m the only one that could do it?” He said, “That you shouldn’t say. Now we’re going to have you do it again.” I said, “Okay, I agree. You got me.” But I did it once and now I’m doing it again and you see the kind of numbers that we’re putting up, they’re unbelievable.

Wisconsin Cops Shoot Black Man In Back 7 Times.  A day doesn’t go by when I can’t post an article about yet another police shooting.  The police are out of control, it’s not just a few bad apples. Cop culture is the problem. As in, beat people up in this Brooklyn precinct, get promoted.

Convention Preview: “Four Days To Defend The Indefensible”.  I’ll leave it to others to provide a blow-by-blow.  My stomach insists on it.

Equity In Education Lawsuit Heads To Mediation.  The biggest impediment to progress remains the Delaware General Assembly.  Remember that come Primary Day.

A Look At Wilmington’s Mayoral Race.  Reading that piece, I think it’s inevitable that Mayor Mike will prevail over two Black candidates who will split the vote of Purzycki’s opponents.

What do you want to talk about?

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