Delaware Liberal

Does Jerry Falwell Jr Have a Cuckold Fetish, and Did That Fetish Get Trump Elected? – Epilogue

DelawareLiberal’s first “Jerry Fallwell Jr Cuckold Fetish” post went up on September 3rd, 2019 following a story that appeared in Rolling Stone. (See below)

Here is a quick summary of what went down:

1) Jerry Fallwell Jr and his wife indulged in cuckold fetish activities with a range of partners.

2) Putin’s GRU very likely passed info and pictures to the Trump campaign.

3) On January 25, 2016, Fallwell shocked the evangelical community be endorsing Trump when he had already said that he was going to endorse Ted Cruz.

4) Trump won the evangelical vote in spite of being recorded saying that he liked to grab women “by the pussy”


Does Jerry Falwell Jr Have a Cuckold Fetish, and Did That Fetish Get Trump Elected?

The known facts point to Jerry Falwell Jr having sexual tastes that would be frowned on by his evangelical followers. Did the Putin/Trump campaign leverage that infomation to gain the Falwell endorsement? Again, the evidence points to yes.


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