DL Open Thread: Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Filed in Featured by on August 25, 2020

No PlatformJust Criminals-In-Waiting.  They will try to steal the election.  They now have no other alternative as they’re all-in on Trump as the Savior of America.

DeJoy: ‘No Machines For You’.  Watch what he does, not what he says. He is a key part of the plot to steal the election for Trump.

Falwell Jr. Resigns As Liberty University President. Or Doesn’tOr Does.  Liberty University IS Falwell U.  Maybe the pool boy takes over? Here’s a detailed report on the alleged affair.

University Of Alabama Overrun With Covid Cases–Will Still Play Football.  Reminds me of something that a former president of the University of Oklahoma once said, “We want a university that our football team can be proud of.”

Bannon’s Problems Just Beginning.  Feds seek to seize assets of yet another ‘not-for-profit’.  Deeply-researched reporting by Pro Publica.

Oh, Now Trump’s Worried About Covid?  Here’s Why.  Yep, it’s hitting the districts of vulnerable Rethugs in Texas.  Bikers who attended Sturgis event spreading virus all over the place.

Spotted Lanternflys Spotted Everywhere. Just what, exactly, was Delaware’s plan to combat this destructive pest?  They have overrun NCC.  Just stomping on them is not a plan.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    “They will try to steal the election.”

    It is not “will steal” but “are stealing”.

    I know Alby disagrees, but the strategy isn’t a secret. All of the attacks on the mail, all of the pre-judgement that Democrats have “rigged” the system, all of the the statements about not leaving, and all of the gearing up for violence on election day add up to Trump declaring a state of emergency and overturning the results.

    How does it feel to be in a coup? Well, how do you feel right now, because you are experiencing one.

    • Alby says:

      I agree they are doing everything in their power, and it’s possible they will triumph. I just don’t think it’s the most likely outcome.

      I think a more likely outcome is that the anti-Trump vote will be so overwhelming that they won’t be able to pretend the results are in doubt, at which point the non-Cultists will be forced to choose between civil war and backing down.

      Faced with that choice, I don’t believe that the small faction of fascists eager for war will be able to wag the dog of a party that’s mostly old and lazy. Again, could happen, but I’d bet against it.

      A lot of Democrats enjoy this hand-wringing anxiety-fest, I assume for the same reason that people willingly watch horror movies and ride roller coasters. I find that the most annoying aspect of this reality shitshow.