DL’s Most Intriguing Primaries Of 2020–Part 5: The Statewides

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 25, 2020

Insurance Commissioner (D Primary): Trinidad Navarro vs. Kayode Abegunde.  There are circumstances under which I could be persuaded to consider someone other than Navarro for this office.  This is not one of those circumstances.  Abegunde’s campaign, such as it is, has all the earmarks of a vanity campaign. He hasn’t really engaged in a debate over Navarro’s stewardship and how he would change things.

Governor (R Primary): The Six-Way–Bonini vs. Bosco vs. Graham vs. Murray vs. Richardson vs. Walker.  The sheer comedic value of a six-way primary to lose to John Carney is not lost on me. Someone will win this pointless race.  The endorsed candidate is Julianne Murray, whose claim to the nomination is that she is suing Carney on behalf of her husband for infringing on his right to place his business’ patrons in danger.  She could win, but I’m betting on someone who has already won a statewide R primary.  That’s right, the Driftwood Grifter, Scott Walker.  I also predict that Bonini will have a poor showing, and that his senate seat will be in danger in two years–as long as McBride and Poore don’t run interference for him like they did last time.

Governor (D Primary): John Carney vs. David Williams. A vote for Williams is a protest vote in a primary that is not really a contest.  I’m voting for him.

Representative In Congress (R Primary): Matthew Morris vs. Lee Murphy. Since Murphy stands for nothing, he is vulnerable in a primary, as Scott Walker has proven.  However, even by R standards, Morris is a candidate living in his own Private Idaho Of Grievance, and I expect Murphy to finally prevail.  A note: Murphy, Morris and Rochester all live within about five miles of each other in a Claymont to Bellefonte window.  Hey, I can’t manufacture intrigue where little exists.

US Senator (R Primary): Jim DeMartino vs. Lauren Witzke. For what it’s worth (literally nothing), DeMartino is the endorsed candidate and is arguably slightly less wacko than Witzke. But I betcha that those lower slower mouth-breathers find Witzke to be ‘hot’, hot enough for them to vote for her.  History is on her side (*cough, Christine O’Donnell, cough*).

US Senator (D Primary): Chris Coons vs. Jess Scarane. Perhaps no campaign in Delaware has been challenged more by the pandemic and by last week’s Democratic convention than Scarane’s.  She has run a superb grassroots campaign and has established herself as a viable alternative to Coons.  It will be tough, though, to overcome the twin blows of the pandemic, which made it more difficult to run a statewide insurgent campaign, and the convention, where Coons, like Zelig, made sure he appeared in every picture. And now he’s got those TV commercials, which had to have been made by whoever did LBR’s 2016 ads, right down to that ‘Chris gets it’.  I’m rooting for Jess and I hope she wins.  However, if she doesn’t, I hope that this is just the beginning of her political career. Delaware needs more Jess Scaranes.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Big Jess Scarane fan as well, as noted beating an incumbent senator is tough all on it’s own, add in the pandemic and it’s twice as hard. That and Carper looks really rough as of late, he can’t live forever.

  2. jason330 says:

    Nice summary.

    Lauren Witzke is as coo-coo as they come. If she didn’t start this race as a big Q fan, she’ll probably end it as one. The people her brand of lunacy attracts will convert her.

  3. Kayode Abegunde says:

    We are in a different and unique year; it requires a different approach and a different leader that will listen, advocate, and fight for all. I am running to bring people together cross-culturally. During this pandemic, you want a passionate, loyal, and trusted Insurance Commissioner that will represent you all.

    Our Vision:

    1. Advocacy- Kayode will continue to advocate for the consumer’s protection

    2. Regulation- I would enforce the policies aimed at regulating the insurance market on a (win-win) approach to both the consumers and the insurance companies

    3. I would work with the insurance companies to enhance transparency and fairness in assessment of premium billed to the consumers

    4. I would encourage the use of technology and digitization to leverage the markets to reduce costs and ensure reliable insurance coverage at a reasonable rate for all Delaware Consumers

    6. I would encourage the use of insurance terms that the community understands

    Kayode Abegunde is your number ONE choice for Delaware State Insurance Commissioner. The primary election is on September 15th,2020, from 7 am to 8 pm. Please Cast your vote for KAYODE ABEGUNDE

    In case you don’t know me……Meet Kayode!

    Ø Candidate for Insurance Commissioner

    Ø A Democrat

    Ø Past Behavioral and Mental Health Commissioner

    Ø Member, Financial Advisory Council New Castle County Government

    Ø Member, 17th District Delaware Democratic Party

    Ø Vice President, Llangollen Estates Civic Association

    Ø Past Audit Chair, Llangollen Estates Civic Association

    Ø Past Member, Citizens Budget Committee Charter School of New Castle

    Ø Alumni, FBI Citizens Academy Program

    Ø An Accountant

    Ø Senior Program Director

    Ø Administrator

    Ø Consultant

    Ø Insurance Marketing Executive

    Ø Account Auditor

    Ø Tax Advisor

    Ø A Deacon

    Ø A Husband

    Ø A Father

    Ø A Minister

    Ø A leader

    Ø A Believer

    Ø Earned Bachelor’s degree in Accounting

    Ø Earned Master’s degree in Finance

    Ø Earned Master of Business Administration (Health Care Administration)

    You don’t know me because you have a baseless and vanity platform!

    • Ben says:

      I appreciate your candidacy, however, the only acceptable approach to the for-profit health insurance companies is to abolish them. For far too long their existence has driven up costs and turned access to health care into a commodity for the privileged.
      I urge you, if elected, to fight the insurance companies in a way that stops their cartel-like behavior where they effectively act as a Death Panel.

      • Ben says:

        to clarify, i dont want you to say you’ll work with insurance companies.

        They are not our or your partners. They are an obstacle to economic mobility and better overall health.
        They are not owned by normal Delawareans. I doubt anyone in the upper ranks of the Insurance scam lives in De other than the possibly overpriced beachhouse where they have certainly wormed their way out of paying fair taxes.
        I want you to FIGHT them to get the best possible outcome short of ending their for-profit status. Commit to being Out champion against these ogres and you can win my vote.

  4. Kayode Abegunde says:

    Thank you, Mr. Ben. Yes, working with insurance companies in this context is to listen to them and see how we can leverage their products to favor the consumers. I hear your sentiment, and I will fight for you.

    • I think you missed his point. Insurance companies are part of the problem. By definition, they are middlemen who provide no services, thus driving up the cost of property and casualty and health insurance.

      For example, we ALL pay for those endless auto insurance commercials. Harris McDowell had the right idea–no-fault ‘pay at the pump’ auto insurance. Do YOU support something like that?

  5. Kayode Abegunde says:


    I will not support bad practices from any Insurance Company. I will definitely look into these concerns at hand and reverse as necessary.

    Thank you!

    • Steve Newton says:

      If you do not already realize that the structure of the insurance companies makes them an adversary to Delawareans and not an asset, you cannot be my candidate. Might as well stick with an existing Commissioner who doesn’t get that than just bring them more fresh meat.